php - 用 PHP 用 div 包装 HTML 片段(并从 HTML 标签生成目录)

标签 php regex dom

我原来的 HTML 看起来像这样:

<h1>Page Title</h1>

<h2>Title of segment one</h2>
<img src="img.jpg" alt="An image of segment one" />
<p>Paragraph one of segment one</p>

<h2>Title of segment two</h2>
<p>Here is a list of blabla of segment two</p>
  <li>List item of segment two</li>
  <li>Second list item of segment two</li>

现在,使用 PHP(不是 jQuery),我想改变它,像这样:

<h1>Page Title</h1>

<div class="pane">
  <h2>Title of segment one</h2>
  <img src="img.jpg" alt="An image of segment one" />
  <p>Paragraph one of segment one</p>

<div class="pane">
   <h2>Title of segment two</h2>
   <p>Here is a list of blabla of segment two</p>
     <li>List item of segment two</li>
     <li>Second list item of segment two</li>

所以基本上,我希望将所有 HTML 包装在 <h2></h2> 组之间带有 <div class="pane" /> 的标签上面的 HTML 已经允许我用 jQuery 创建 Accordion ,这很好,但我想更进一步:

我希望创建所有 <h2></h2> 的 ul受影响的集合,如下所示:

<ul class="tabs">
  <li><a href="#">Title of segment one</a></li>
  <li><a href="#">Title of segment two</a></li>

请注意,我正在使用 jQuery 工具选项卡来实现该系统的 JavaScript 部分,并且它不需要 .tabs 的 href 指向它们特定的 h2 副本。

我的第一个猜测是使用正则表达式,但我也看到有人在谈论 DOM Document

在 jQuery 中存在针对此问题的两种解决方案,但我确实需要一个 PHP 等效方案:



DOMDocument 可以帮助您。我之前回答过类似的问题:

using regex to wrap images in tags



$d = new DOMDocument;

$segments = array(); $pane = null;

foreach ($d->getElementsByTagName('h2') as $h2) {
    // first collect all nodes
    $pane_nodes = array($h2);
    // iterate until another h2 or no more siblings
    for ($next = $h2->nextSibling; $next && $next->nodeName != 'h2'; $next = $next->nextSibling) {
        $pane_nodes[] = $next;

    // create the wrapper node
    $pane = $d->createElement('div');
    $pane->setAttribute('class', 'pane');

    // replace the h2 with the new pane
    $h2->parentNode->replaceChild($pane, $h2);
    // and move all nodes into the newly created pane
    foreach ($pane_nodes as $node) {
    // keep title of the original h2
    $segments[] = $h2->nodeValue;

//  make sure we have segments (pane is the last inserted pane in the dom)
if ($segments && $pane) {
    $ul = $d->createElement('ul');
    foreach ($segments as $title) {
        $li = $d->createElement('li');

        $a = $d->createElement('a', $title);
        $a->setAttribute('href', '#');


    // add as sibling of last pane added

echo $d->saveHTML();

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