perl - 如何在不使用 Data::Compare 的情况下比较 Perl 中的两个哈希?

标签 perl hash

如何在不使用 Data::Compare 的情况下比较 Perl 中的两个哈希?


最佳方法因您的目的而异。思南提到的FAQ项目是一个很好的资源:How do I test whether two arrays or hashes are equal? .在开发和调试期间(当然还有在编写单元测试时)我发现 Test::More 在比较数组、散列和复杂数据结构时很有用。一个简单的例子:

use strict;
use warnings;

my %some_data = (
    a => [1, 2, 'x'],
    b => { foo => 'bar', biz => 'buz' },
    j => '867-5309',

my %other_data = (
    a => [1, 2, 'x'],
    b => { foo => 'bar', biz => 'buz' },
    j => '867-5309x',

use Test::More tests => 1;
is_deeply(\%other_data, \%some_data, 'data structures should be the same');
not ok 1 - data structures should be the same
#   Failed test 'data structures should be the same'
#   at line 19.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->{j} = '867-5309x'
#     $expected->{j} = '867-5309'
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

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