visual-studio-2010 - VS 2010 - 复制类/接口(interface)的完整类型名称的简单方法?

标签 visual-studio-2010 ioc-container

有没有办法复制类/接口(interface)/等的完整类型名称?在 Visual Studio 中到剪贴板?特别是,我需要它们来配置 CaSTLe Windsor,并且很想弄清楚如何轻松地做到这一点。 (示例:在代码编辑器中突出显示 IInterface,并在剪贴板上以 My.Full.Namespace.Is.Here.IInterface 结尾。)

VS 将完整的类型名称放在左上角的只读组合框中(这对于复制目的毫无用处);有谁知道办法吗?

(我有 ReSharper,如果有办法使用它的话。)


这是一个可以让您继续前进的宏。错误处理很糟糕,但我无法收集更多信息,我绝对讨厌 VB :)


它在线程中运行剪贴板调用,因为它是一个 Windows 窗体组件,它们需要在 STAThread 中运行。


Imports System
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports EnvDTE90
Imports EnvDTE90a
Imports EnvDTE100
Imports System.Diagnostics

Public Module SkurmedelMacros

    Public Sub SetClipboard(ByVal x As Object)
        System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(CStr(x), System.Windows.Forms.TextDataFormat.Text)
    End Sub

    Public Sub GetTypeName()
        Dim solution As Solution = DTE.Solution
        Dim activePoint As TextPoint = CType(DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection, TextSelection).ActivePoint
        Dim codeElem As CodeElement = _
            DTE.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem.FileCodeModel.CodeElementFromPoint(activePoint, vsCMElement.vsCMElementClass)
        If codeElem Is Nothing Then
            codeElem = DTE.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem.FileCodeModel.CodeElementFromPoint(activePoint, vsCMElement.vsCMElementInterface)
        End If

        Dim ClipBoardThread As System.Threading.Thread = New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf SetClipboard)
        With ClipBoardThread
            .ApartmentState = System.Threading.ApartmentState.STA
            .IsBackground = True
        End With
        ClipBoardThread = Nothing

    End Sub

End Module

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