java - 为什么要在 Java 中使用异常处理?

标签 java exception

我在 SO 上阅读了很多关于 java 异常处理的帖子,但我确实得到了满意的答案。我为什么要把它们放在我的代码中?

  1. 我想使用 JRE 的一些 api 方法,这些方法是用已检查的异常制作的。所以如果我想使用它们,我需要抛出或捕获异常(例如 Java I/O)。这是在我的类里面使用异常的合理规则吗?
  2. 我听说过这件事

Java exception handlings make separating error handling codes from my business logic


public int division(int divident, int divisor) {
int result = 0;
try {
    result = divident / divisor;
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
    System.out.println("Divisor must not be zero !");
return result;

3。 Java 的默认异常处理使得在标准输出中显示异常信息并终止程序。我是否自己使用异常处理来避免我的程序终止?


这是三个问题,但这并不是这里第一次出现这种情况。 :-)

  1. 是的,您必须处理它们或声明它们,因为它们是已检查的异常。您必须这样做的原因是调用您的代码的代码知道您的代码可能失败的方式(因为您已经声明了它可以抛出的异常)。

  2. 该代码段非常简单,因此分离和好处并不是那么清楚。但是考虑打开两个流,从一个流复制到另一个流,使用转换代码(包括对从属方法的调用)。您最终会得到一个包含 10-20 条语句的方法体。无需检查每个 I/O 语句是否有效,您只需将逻辑包装在 IOException 处理程序中,知道任何 I/O 异常都会跳出主逻辑进入处理程序。

  3. 这取决于您编写的程序类型,但通常您会在最合适的级别处理异常,这通常在您的程序中处于多个级别。最外层只处理真正非常不寻常的不可恢复的异常,要么让默认处理做它做的事情,要么使用一个包罗万象的处理程序来做类似的事情但可能(尝试)记录失败其他地方(如日志文件)也是如此:

    public class MyProgram {
        public static final void main(String[] args) {
           try {
               // Run...
           catch (Throwable t) {
               // Handle the fact that something went wrong here, if you can
               // Usually this would be only for really, really unusual errors,
               // otherwise you would have handled them earlier

为了强调 #2 中的观点,考虑两种 process 方法,一种在 Java 中有异常,另一种在没有异常的假设的类似 Java 的语言中:

Java 的:

private void process() {
    try (                                                // <== Main logic
        Reader fr = new FileReader(this.sourceFileName); // <== Main logic
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);      // <== Main logic
        Writer fw = new FileWriter(this.destFileName);   // <== Main logic
        BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw)       // <== Main logic
        ) {                                              // <== Main logic
        String line;                                     // <== Main logic
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {         // <== Main logic
            if (shouldIncludeLine(line)) {               // <== Main logic
                line = transformLine(line);              // <== Main logic
                bw.write(line);                          // <== Main logic
                bw.newLine();                            // <== Main logic
            }                                            // <== Main logic
        }                                                // <== Main logic
    catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {                 // <== Error handling
        // Couldn't find a file                          // <== Error handling
        // (handle it)                                   // <== Error handling
    }                                                    // <== Error handling
    catch (IOException ioe) {                            // <== Error handling
        // I/O error                                     // <== Error handling
        // (handle it)                                   // <== Error handling
    }                                                    // <== Error handling
    catch (Exception e) {                                // <== Error handling
        // Something else went wrong                     // <== Error handling
        // (handle it)                                   // <== Error handling
    }                                                    // <== Error handling

假设的类 Java 语言无一异常(exception):

private Errors process() {
    Reader fr = new FileReader(this.sourceFileName);            // <== Main logic
    if (fr == null) {                                           // <== Error handling
        return Errors.CantOpenSource;                           // <== Error handling
    }                                                           // <== Error handling
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);                 // <== Main logic

    Writer fw = new FileWriter(this.destFileName);              // <== Main logic
    if (fw == null) {                                           // <== Error handling
        br.close();                                             // <== Error handling
        return Errors.CantOpenDest;                             // <== Error handling
    }                                                           // <== Error handling
    BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw)                  // <== Main logic

    String line;                                                // <== Main logic
    while ((line = br.readLine()) != IO.END_OF_FILE) {          // <== Main logic
        if (line == null) {                                     // <== Error handling
            br.close();                                         // <== Error handling
            bw.close();                                         // <== Error handling
            return Errors.CantRead;                             // <== Error handling
        if (shouldIncludeLine(line)) {                          // <== Main logic
            line = transformLine(line);                         // <== Main logic
            if (bw.write(line) == -1 || bw.newLine() == -1) {   // <== Main logic (plus some error handling)
                br.close();                                     // <== Error handling
                bw.close();                                     // <== Error handling
                return Errors.CantWrite;                        // <== Error handling

    return Errors.Success;


  • 主要逻辑如何充斥着错误处理,使其更难阅读和遵循。
  • 任何可能具有某种故障模式的方法都需要特殊的“错误”返回值。我们必须向 process 添加一个,然后我们从 new FileReader 等检查 null,并从 read 和 write 检查 -1操作等

如果您有兴趣,这里是 Java 程序的完整版本与非 Java 程序的完整版本:



public class Example
    private String sourceFileName;
    private String destFileName;

    public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
        try {
            new Example(args[0], args[1]).process();
        catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException npe) {
            // This is a bit of an exaggeration, I'd check in advance, since the user not
            // supplying arguments isn't really an "exceptional" condition.
            System.out.println("Usage: java Example [source file name] [dest file name]");

    public Example(String src, String dest) {
        // Similar, these checks would probably be assertions, but I'm making a point...
        if (src == null || src.length() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("src must be non-null and non-blank");
        if (dest == null || dest.length() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("dest must be non-null and non-blank");
        this.sourceFileName = src;
        this.destFileName = dest;

    private void process() {
        try (                                                // <== Main logic
            Reader fr = new FileReader(this.sourceFileName); // <== Main logic
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);      // <== Main logic
            Writer fw = new FileWriter(this.destFileName);   // <== Main logic
            BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw)       // <== Main logic
            ) {                                              // <== Main logic
            String line;                                     // <== Main logic
            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {         // <== Main logic
                if (shouldIncludeLine(line)) {               // <== Main logic
                    line = transformLine(line);              // <== Main logic
                    bw.write(line);                          // <== Main logic
                    bw.newLine();                            // <== Main logic
                }                                            // <== Main logic
            }                                                // <== Main logic
        catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {                 // <== Error handling
            // Couldn't find a file                          // <== Error handling
            // (handle it)                                   // <== Error handling
        }                                                    // <== Error handling
        catch (IOException ioe) {                            // <== Error handling
            // I/O error                                     // <== Error handling
            // (handle it)                                   // <== Error handling
        }                                                    // <== Error handling
        catch (Exception e) {                                // <== Error handling
            // Something else went wrong                     // <== Error handling
            // (handle it)                                   // <== Error handling
        }                                                    // <== Error handling

    private boolean shouldIncludeLine(String line) {
        return line.length() != 0;

    private String transformLine(String line) {
        return line.toUpperCase();

假设的类 Java 语言无一异常(exception):


public class Example
    private String sourceFileName;
    private String destFileName;

    private enum Errors {

    public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
        if (args.length < 2) {
            System.out.println("Usage: java Example [source file name] [dest file name]");
        if (args[0] == null || args[0].length() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("src must be non-null and non-blank");
        if (args[1] == null || args[1].length() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("dest must be non-null and non-blank");
        switch (new Example(args[0], args[1]).process()) {
            case Errors.CantOpenSource:
                // Handle it
            case Errors.CantOpenDest:
                // Handle it
            case Errors.CantRead:
                // Handle it
            case Errors.CantWrite:
                // Handle it

    public Example(String src, String dest) {
        // Not how now this constructor is trusting that it is called with valid arguments
        this.sourceFileName = src;
        this.destFileName = dest;

    private Errors process() {
        Reader fr = new FileReader(this.sourceFileName);            // <== Main logic
        if (fr == null) {                                           // <== Error handling
            return Errors.CantOpenSource;                           // <== Error handling
        }                                                           // <== Error handling
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);                 // <== Main logic

        Writer fw = new FileWriter(this.destFileName);              // <== Main logic
        if (fw == null) {                                           // <== Error handling
            br.close();                                             // <== Error handling
            return Errors.CantOpenDest;                             // <== Error handling
        }                                                           // <== Error handling
        BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw)                  // <== Main logic

        String line;                                                // <== Main logic
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != IO.END_OF_FILE) {          // <== Main logic
            if (line == null) {                                     // <== Error handling
                br.close();                                         // <== Error handling
                bw.close();                                         // <== Error handling
                return Errors.CantRead;                             // <== Error handling
            if (shouldIncludeLine(line)) {                          // <== Main logic
                line = transformLine(line);                         // <== Main logic
                if (bw.write(line) == -1 || bw.newLine() == -1) {   // <== Main logic (plus some error handling)
                    br.close();                                     // <== Error handling
                    bw.close();                                     // <== Error handling
                    return Errors.CantWrite;                        // <== Error handling

        return Errors.Success;

    private boolean shouldIncludeLine(String line) {
        return line.length() != 0;

    private String transformLine(String line) {
        return line.toUpperCase();

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