angular-cli - 具有多个目标的 Architect 命令无法指定覆盖

标签 angular-cli angular-cli-v6

我正在转换库( ng-app-state )以使用 angular cli,现在是 v6 supports libraries (好极了!)。

当尝试运行某些 CLI 命令时,它会失败并显示如下错误:

$ ng test --source-map ng-app-state
Architect commands with multiple targets cannot specify overrides.'test' would be run on the following projects: ng-app-state-monorepo,ng-app-state
Error: Architect commands with multiple targets cannot specify overrides.'test' would be run on the following projects: ng-app-state-monorepo,ng-app-state
    at TestCommand.validate (S:\Programming\git repositories\ng-app-state-monorepo\node_modules\@angular\cli\models\architect-command.js:91:23)



# do this
$ ng test ng-app-state --watch=true --source-map

# don't do this
$ ng test --watch=true --source-map ng-app-state

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