android - "Dialog failed with unknown"错误响应。 Facebook 应用程序邀请,在切换 fb 帐户时

标签 android facebook facebook-app-invites

我在 Android facebook 应用程序邀请中遇到错误。一切正常。我从 Facebook 切换帐户,现在我收到此错误。

if(AppInviteDialog.canShow()) {
                AppInviteContent content = new AppInviteContent.Builder()
                        .setApplinkUrl(VPPreferences.getString(VPPreferencesKeys.INVITE_SCREEN_URL_FOR_FB, ""))

                AppInviteDialog appInviteDialog = new AppInviteDialog(this);
                 sCallbackManager = CallbackManager.Factory.create();

                appInviteDialog.registerCallback(sCallbackManager, new FacebookCallback<AppInviteDialog.Result>() {
                    public void onSuccess(AppInviteDialog.Result result) {
                        ToastNotificationUtil.showMessageToast(InviteSelectorScreen.this, getString(R.string.invite_succ));

                    public void onCancel() {
                        ToastNotificationUtil.showMessageToast(InviteSelectorScreen.this, "Invite canceled");


                    public void onError(FacebookException e) {
                        ToastNotificationUtil.showMessageToast(InviteSelectorScreen.this, "Invite failed ");




引自Facebook Developers他们的政策发生了重大变化。

As of November 7, 2017, link customization is available however the link must be owned by the posting page and a page access token is required.

To verify ownership, check the ownership_permissions{can_customize_link_posts} field on the URL node. You must call this endpoint before posting new links.

Without this step, custom link page posts will not work for un-scraped links. See our Link Ownership Guide for more information.

For versions 2.10 and lower, picture, name, thumbnail, and description are deprecated. caption is deprecated for all versions.

请转到给定链接并更改检查 URL 节点上的 ownership_permissions{can_customize_link_posts} 字段。


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