java - 如何将整列的大小写更改为小写?

标签 java apache-spark apache-spark-sql apache-spark-dataset

我想在Spark Dataset中将整个列的大小写更改为小写

        Desired Input
        |ItemID|       Category name|
        |   ABC|BRUSH & BROOM HAN...|
        |   XYZ|WHEEL BRUSH PARTS...|

        Desired Output
        |ItemID|       Category name|
        |   ABC|brush & broom han...|
        |   XYZ|wheel brush parts...|





例如:$"q1Content", lower($"q1Content")).show

|           q1Content|    lower(q1Content)|
|What is the step ...|what is the step ...|
|What is the story...|what is the story...|
|How can I increas...|how can i increas...|
|Why am I mentally...|why am i mentally...|
|Which one dissolv...|which one dissolv...|
|Astrology: I am a...|astrology: i am a...|
| Should I buy tiago?| should i buy tiago?|
|How can I be a go...|how can i be a go...|
|When do you use  ...|when do you use  ...|
|Motorola (company...|motorola (company...|
|Method to find se...|method to find se...|
|How do I read and...|how do i read and...|
|What can make Phy...|what can make phy...|
|What was your fir...|what was your fir...|
|What are the laws...|what are the laws...|
|What would a Trum...|what would a trum...|
|What does manipul...|what does manipul...|
|Why do girls want...|why do girls want...|
|Why are so many Q...|why are so many q...|
|Which is the best...|which is the best...|

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