linqpad - 如何增加 LINQPad 中图形的限制?

标签 linqpad

LINQPad 中显示的结果是有限的。如果对象嵌套很深,则会显示一条红线。

你知道怎么做吗? (我在选项中没有找到。)

Background not in the original question: LINQPad will display of "limit of graph" error message if the total output exceeds a certain threshold (total page size). The suggested answers are addressing how to limit the depth of the individually dumped object graphs, which may help avoiding hitting the total size limit. It does not, however, increase the "limit of graph", which is what OP is asking.



T Dump<T>(this T o); //Dump the object and return it (for fluency)
T Dump<T>(this T o, string description); //Dump with label
T Dump<T>(this T o, int maximumDepth); //Dump with given maximum depth
T Dump<T>(this T o, string description, int maximumDepth); //Combine the above


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