amazon-ec2 - 在 Amazon VPC 中可以使用多少个 EC2 实例?

标签 amazon-ec2 vpc amazon-vpc

Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)允许我打开到 EC2 集群的 VPN 连接。

看起来您可以在虚拟私有(private)云中运行的 EC2 实例数量是 24 台主机 - 对吗?



Q: How many instances can I run in Amazon EC2?

You are limited to running up to 20 On-Demand instances, purchasing 20 Reserved Instances, and requesting Spot Instances per your dynamic Spot limit per region. New AWS accounts may start with limits that are lower than the limits described here. Certain instance types are further limited per region as follows...


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