javascript - 如何使用 Rxjs switchMap 抛出错误

标签 javascript browser rxjs rxjs6

我已经为 fetch 函数创建了一个包装器。根据下面的代码,test_3 通过了,但是 test_1 和 test_2 怎么会命中成功回调而不是错误回调呢?我怀疑我使用 throwError 的方式有问题。

import { from, throwError } from 'rxjs'; // version 6.5.2
import { retry, catchError, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';

function getBody(response: Response): Promise<any> {
  const headers = response.headers;

  if (headers.has('content-type')) {
    const contentType: string = headers.get('content-type');
    if (contentType.includes('json')) return response.json();
  return response.text();

const http = (url) => 
  from(fetch(new Request(url))
      catchError(error => { // fetch will throw error if page not found.
        console.log('hit catchError')
        return of(new Response(null, { status: 404, statusText: 'Page not found' }));
      switchMap(async (response: Response) => {
        console.log('response.ok = ', response.ok);
        return response.ok
          ? getBody(response) // all status >= 200 and < 400 
          : throwError({ 
              status: response.status, 
              statusText: response.statusText, 
              body: await getBody(response) 

// test_1
  response => console.log('should not hit this'),
  errorResponse => console.log('should errorResponse.status = 404'),
// test_1 console result:
// hit catchError
// response.ok = false
// should not hit this

// test_2
  response => console.log('should not hit this'),
  errorResponse => console.log('should errorResponse.status = 401'),
// test_2 console result:
// response.ok = false
// should not hit this

// test_3
  response => console.log('should hit this'),
  errorResponse => console.log('should not hit this'),
// test_3 console result:
// response.ok = true
// should hit this



fetch 不会为你抛出错误

The Promise returned from fetch() won’t reject on HTTP error status even if the response is an HTTP 404 or 500. Instead, it will resolve normally (with ok status set to false), and it will only reject on network failure or if anything prevented the request from completing.

更新: 看起来您的 api 调用正在返回 401 并且将在 fetch promise 中被拒绝,但您仍然不能依赖 fetch 来正确拒绝。请看下面的主题

关于你的代码,它不被 switchMap 处理的原因是你返回 throwError 这不是一个 promise (你用异步标记函数)

throwError(...) 更改为 throwError().toPromise() 将正常工作。但同样不要依赖 fetch 来正确拒绝

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