c# - C# 抽象类

标签 c#


using ClassAbstractFactory;
public interface IPlugin
    AbstractFactory GetFactory();  

和一个 AbstractFactory

public abstract class AbstractFactory
    public abstract AbstractCake CreateCake();
    public abstract AbstractBox CreateBox();

public abstract class AbstractCake

    public abstract void Interact(AbstractBox box);


public abstract class AbstractBox


我有继承 AbstractCake 的 .dll

 public class ChocolateCake : AbstractCake

    private bool _isPacked;
    private bool _isDecorated;
    private string _nameOfCake;

    public ChocolateCake()
        _isPacked = false;
        _isDecorated = false;
        _nameOfCake = "Шоколадный";

   public bool IsPacked
        get { return _isPacked; }

    public bool IsDecorated
        get { return _isDecorated; }


    public string NameOfCake { get; set; }

    public override void Interact(AbstractBox box)
            _isPacked = true;       



 public IPlugin LoadAssembly(string assemblyPath)
        Assembly ptrAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyPath);

        foreach (Type item in ptrAssembly.GetTypes())
            if (!item.IsClass) continue;
            if (item.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IPlugin)))
                return (IPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(item);
        throw new Exception("Invalid DLL, Interface not found!");

        List<IPlugin> list = new List<IPlugin>();
        foreach (var assemblyPath in GetPathsListToDll())

如何访问 ChocolateCake 中的属性,以像使用它们

foreach (var str in list)
            Boolean a = str.GetFactory().GetCake().CreateCake().IsPacked;


string a = str.GetFactory().GetCake().CreateCake().NameOfCake;






这里的问题是 AbstractFactory 有一个返回 AbstractCake 的方法,而 AbstractCake 本身根本没有属性。按照目前的情况,在访问 Cake 的任何属性之前,您需要将 Cake(直接或使用 as 关键字)向下转换为 ChocolateCake,这确实很困惑:

string a = (ChocolateCake)(str.GetFactory().CreateCake()).NameOfCake;


  1. 将所有类型蛋糕共有的属性移至 AbstractCake 中,例如NameOfCakeIsPackedIsDecolated
  2. 鉴于 AbstractFactoryAbstractCake 类根本没有任何实现,请考虑将它们更改为接口(interface)而不是抽象类,即 ICakeFactory > 和ICake。具体实现将像以前一样是 ChocolateCakeFactoryChocolateCake
  3. 工厂和蛋糕的使用者现在应该只访问接口(interface)上公开的内容(ICakeFactoryICakeIBox),并且不需要进行任何向下转换或对 Cake 等的实际具体类型做出任何假设。

public interface ICake
    void Interact(IBox box);
    bool IsPacked { get; }
    bool IsDecorated { get; }
    string NameOfCake { get; set; }

public class ChocolateCake : ICake
    private bool _isPacked;
    private bool _isDecorated;
    private string _nameOfCake;

    public ChocolateCake() // ctor is not on the interface and is implementation detail
        _isPacked = false;
        _isDecorated = false;
        _nameOfCake = "Шоколадный";

    public void Interact(IBox box) {...}
    public bool IsPacked { get { return _isPacked; } }
    public bool IsDecorated { get { return _isDecorated; } }
    // ...

public interface ICakeFactory
    ICake CreateCake();
    IBox CreateBox();

public class ChocolateCakeFactory : ICakeFactory
    public ICake CreateCake()   {return new ChocolateCake();}
    public IBox CreateBox() {return new ChocolateCakeBox();} 



string a = str.GetFactory().GetCake().CreateCake().NameOfCake;
str.GetFactory().GetCake().CreateCake().NameOfCake = "Something"; // Prop setter


class Bakery
   private readonly ICakeFactory _cakeFactory;
   public Bakery(ICakeFactory cakeFactory)
       Contract.Requires(cakeFactory != null);
       cakeFactory = _cakeFactory;

   bool BakeStuff()
       var cake = _cakeFactory.CreateCake();
       cake.NameOfCake = "StackOverflow";
       return cake.IsDecorated && cake.IsPacked;


这涉及实现 INotifyPropertyChanged

public interface ICake : INotifyPropertyChanged


public string NameOfCake
    get { return _nameOfCake} ;
    set { 
        var propChanged = PropertyChanged;
        if (propChanged != null && value != _nameOfCake)
            propChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("NameOfCake"));
        _nameOfCake = value;


var cake = new ChocolateCake();
cake.PropertyChanged += (sender, eventArgs) 
     => Console.WriteLine("Property {0} has changed", eventArgs.PropertyName);

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