git - 为什么 .gitignore 不适用于 Android Studio 中的新项目?

标签 git android-studio gitignore

我使用 .gitignore 文件在 Android Studio 中创建了项目。


# built application files

# files for the dex VM

# Java class files

# generated files

# Libraries used by the app
# Can explicitly add if we want, but shouldn't do so blindly.  Licenses, bloat, etc.

# Build stuff (auto-generated by android update project ...)

# Eclipse project files

# idea project files

##Gradle-based build

在此之后我使用了 git init项目目录下的命令。
git init screenshot
git status命令
git status screenshot
git add .git status命令
git add screenshot
git commit命令
git commit screenshot
git status具有空值的命令
git status screenshot

Git 的版本是 1.9.1。我不明白为什么将这些文件添加到提交中。


可能,这是 1.9.1 版本中的一个错误。
Git v2.0 Release Notes

Updates since v1.9 series

  • Trailing whitespaces in .gitignore files, unless they are quoted for fnmatch(3), e.g. "path\ ", are warned and ignored. Strictly speaking, this is a backward-incompatible change, but very unlikely to bite any sane user and adjusting should be obvious and easy.

Git v2.1 Release Notes

Fixes since v2.0

  • Mishandling of patterns in .gitignore that have trailing SPs quoted with backslashes (e.g. ones that end with "\ ") has been corrected. (merge 97c1364be6b pb/trim-trailing-spaces later to maint).

Git 2.5 Release Notes

Fixes since v2.4

  • The codepaths that read .gitignore and .gitattributes files have been taught that these files encoded in UTF-8 may have UTF-8 BOM marker at the beginning; this makes it in line with what we do for configuration files already. (merge 27547e5 cn/bom-in-gitignore later to maint).

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