android - Android进程崩溃时如何创建崩溃日志

标签 android logging crash acra

我的 Java 代码将调用 native 代码。当 native 代码崩溃时,我想将崩溃日志写入自己的文件。我怎样才能做到这一点?我使用过 ACRA,但它不适用于 native 代码。


来自 ACRA 开发人员的评论发现 here

Comment by project member kevin.gaudin, Dec 16, 2010

Ok, I don't think we can do anything to catch native crashes if they don't result in a Java Exception.

In a future release, I'm planning to add an option to (optionaly) upload a short logcat extract + DropBoxManager? system items. This should allow to get some of these traces, but only if an exception triggers the report... or if you detect an unexpected state and trigger a report yourself.

但是,您也许可以使用 this solution

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