unity3d - 离开探戈场景时Unity3D崩溃

标签 unity3d crash google-project-tango

当离开使用Motion TrackingArea LearningWebcamTexture的场景并移动到使用标准Camera且没有Tango预制件的菜单场景时,应用程序将崩溃。

02-25 13:32:46.285     886-1005/? W/InputDispatcher﹕ channel '6510e8f0 com.google.atap.app/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x9
02-25 13:32:46.285     886-1005/? E/InputDispatcher﹕ channel '6510e8f0 com.google.atap.app/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
02-25 13:32:46.292     165-5890/? E/Camera2-FrameProcessor﹕ get3aResult: Camera 0: No afState provided by HAL for frame 709!
02-25 13:32:46.308     165-5896/? E/Surface﹕ queueBuffer: error queuing buffer to SurfaceTexture, -32
02-25 13:32:46.308     165-5896/? E/Camera3-OutputStream﹕ returnBufferCheckedLocked: Stream 0: Error queueing buffer to native window: Broken pipe (-32)
02-25 13:32:46.308     165-5896/? E/Camera3-Device﹕ Can't return buffer 0 for frame 708 to its stream:  Broken pipe (-32)
02-25 13:32:46.308     165-5888/? E/Camera3-OutputStream﹕ getBufferLocked: Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
02-25 13:32:46.308     165-5888/? E/Camera3-Device﹕ RequestThread: Can't get output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
02-25 13:32:46.308     165-5888/? E/Camera3-OutputStream﹕ getBufferLocked: Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
02-25 13:32:46.308     165-5888/? E/Camera3-Device﹕ RequestThread: Can't get output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
02-25 13:32:46.308     165-5888/? E/Camera3-OutputStream﹕ getBufferLocked: Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
02-25 13:32:46.308     165-5888/? E/Camera3-Device﹕ RequestThread: Can't get output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
02-25 13:32:46.308     165-5888/? E/Camera3-OutputStream﹕ getBufferLocked: Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
02-25 13:32:46.308     165-5888/? E/Camera3-Device﹕ RequestThread: Can't get output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
02-25 13:32:46.308     165-5888/? E/Camera3-OutputStream﹕ getBufferLocked: Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
02-25 13:32:46.309      165-165/? W/CameraService﹕ Disconnecting camera client 0xb8ac5f40 since the binder for it died (this pid 165)
02-25 13:32:46.309      165-165/? I/Camera2Client﹕ stopPreviewL: stopPreview ++
02-25 13:32:46.309      183-670/? I/sensor-hub-uart﹕ sensor_hub_uart_msg_queue: 54 15 9 2 returned 0
02-25 13:32:46.309     183-5904/? I/sensor-hub-uart﹕ wrote 54:15:9:2 0 0 to 13
02-25 13:32:46.309     886-1131/? I/ActivityManager﹕ Process com.google.atap.app (pid 5673) has died.




关于unity3d - 离开探戈场景时Unity3D崩溃,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28728152/


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