sql-server - 如何更有效地编写此查询?

标签 sql-server performance

在我的个人资料网站上,用户可以发表评论,并对评论发表评论(就像 facebook 的 1 级)。我正在实现一些分页,因为 1 个个人资料可以有数千条评论。分页有效,但是,由于有子评论,一个简单的前 n 查询会中断对话。我只想对父注释进行分页,而不是对子注释进行分页。

表'评论' 其中有:

- commentID
- commentText
- parentCommentID
- commentOnUserID

这里的问题是我只想对父评论 (parentCommentID = 0) 进行分页。所以我写了一个查询:

select * from Comments c
where c.parentCommentID = 0 
and c.commentOnUserID = 65939 


但我还想加载所有这些评论的子项,子项也是一个评论,但随后 parentCommentID = some commentID:

select * from comments c
where c.parentCommentID in ( * get the commentId's from the previous query)
and c.commentOnUserID = 65939



declare @T table(commentID int,
                 commentText varchar(max),
                 parentCommentID int,
                 commentOnUserID int)

insert into @T values
(1, 'Comment 1', 0, 1),
(2, 'Comment 2', 0, 1),
(3, 'Comment 3', 0, 1),
(4, 'Comment 4 sub 1', 1, 1),
(5, 'Comment 5 sub 1', 1, 1),
(6, 'Comment 6 sub 1', 1, 1),
(7, 'Comment 1 sub 2', 2, 1),
(8, 'Comment 1 sub 2', 2, 1),
(9, 'Comment 1 sub 3', 3, 1)

declare @UserID int = 1

;with cte as
    row_number() over(order by commentID) as rn
  from @T as T
    T.parentCommentID = 0 and
    T.commentOnUserID = @UserID
  union all
  from @T as T
    inner join cte as C
      on T.parentCommentID = C.commentID
select *
from cte
where rn between 1 and 2 -- use rn for pagination
order by rn, commentID


commentID   parentCommentID CommentText          rn
----------- --------------- -------------------- --------------------
1           0               Comment 1            1
4           1               Comment 4 sub 1      1
5           1               Comment 5 sub 1      1
6           1               Comment 6 sub 1      1
2           0               Comment 2            2
7           2               Comment 1 sub 2      2
8           2               Comment 1 sub 2      2

关于sql-server - 如何更有效地编写此查询?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5688058/


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