blackberry - 没有获取 GPS

标签 blackberry java-me gps locationlistener

我一直致力于获取 GPS 位置,我已经阅读了许多示例和文章,但还没有取得任何成功。可能是我遗漏了一些非常小的东西,但我是 BB 开发的新手。


package mypackage;

import javax.microedition.location.Criteria;
import javax.microedition.location.Location;
import javax.microedition.location.LocationException;
import javax.microedition.location.LocationProvider;

import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.LabelField;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;

* A class extending the MainScreen class, which provides default standard
* behavior for BlackBerry GUI applications.
public final class MyScreen extends MainScreen {

* Creates a new MyScreen object
public MyScreen() {
    setTitle("GPS Demo");
    new GpsThread().start();

public boolean onClose() {
    return false;

private class GpsThread extends Thread {

    Location currentLoc; // Stores component information of our position

    Criteria cr; // Settings for the GPS - we can read it at
    // different accuracy levels

    LocationProvider lp; // LocationProvider does the actual work of reading
    // coordinates from the GPS

        public GpsThread() {
            add(new LabelField(("GPS Constructor")));
            cr = new Criteria();

        public void run() {

            add(new LabelField(("run")));


        private void setCriteria() {

        // I basically set no requirements on any of the horizontal,
        // vertical,
        // or
        // power consumption requirements below.
        // The distance components are set in meters if you do want to
        // establish
        // accuracy - the less the accuracy, the
        // quicker and more likely a successful read (I believe).
        // You can also set power consumption, between low, medium, high (or
        // no
        // requirement)
        // There are also a number of other settings you can tweak such as
        // minimum
        // response time, if altitude is required,
        // speed required, etc. It all depends on the exact application
        // you're
        // writing and how specific you need the info to
       add(new LabelField(("Criteria set ")));


    private void getLocation() throws InterruptedException {

        try {
            add(new LabelField(("getting location")));
            // Get a new instance of the location provider using the
            // criteria we
            // established above.
           if (lp != null) {
                lp.setLocationListener(null, 0, -1, -1);
                lp = null;

        add(new LabelField(("lp had something so resetting it")));
        lp = LocationProvider.getInstance(cr);
        add(new LabelField(("got locationprovider instance ... ")));

        // Now populate our location object with our current location
        // (with
       // a 60 second timeout)
       lp.setLocationListener(new MyLocationListener(), 120, -1, -1);

       currentLoc = lp.getLocation(60);

       String location = "Latitude : "
       + currentLoc.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLatitude()
       + "\n Longitude : "
       + currentLoc.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLongitude();
       add(new LabelField((location)));
       // If we hit the timeout or encountered some other error, report it.
       catch (LocationException e) {
           // Dialog.alert("Error getting coordinates");
           add(new LabelField(e.getMessage()));

   private void showLocationToast() {

        add(new LabelField(("showing toast")));

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            add(new LabelField(e.getMessage()));

        add(new LabelField(("Got all info")));
        String location = "Latitude : "
        + currentLoc.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLatitude()
        + "\n Longitude : "
        + currentLoc.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLongitude();
        add(new LabelField("Showing toast..." + location));

附加信息: 我的听众类只有在更新位置时必须显示的对话框。我什至尝试在不使用监听器的情况下获取单个位置


lp.getLocation (60);

就在我设置监听器的位置之前。但是两次我都只在我设置监听器的地方得到标签。我将使用 TimerTimerTask 但是我能够正确完成这个演示。

我正在使用 9900 进行开发,该应用程序应该在 4.5.0 上




您正在从后台线程(您的 GpsThread)调用更新您的 UI,添加 LabelFields。我认为那是不对的。通常,当我有一个需要更新 UI 的后台线程时,我总是这样做

private void addNewLabelField(final String text) {
    UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
           add(new LabelField(text));

然后,您可以从任何地方调用 addNewLabelField("something");

也就是说,如果您尝试这样做,我认为您会得到一个 IllegalStateException,并且您说您没有得到任何异常。无论如何,我认为将与 UI 相关的调用保持在主 (UI) 线程上仍然是一种很好的做法。



...向下滚动到名为JSR-179 API 的Criteria mapping 的表,这似乎暗示只有CDMA 手机才支持这种精确定位条件。但是,according to this , 9900 是 GSM 电话。您知道吗(也许我错了,它也出现在 CDMA 型号中)?

但是,如果您碰巧选择了手机不支持的 Criteria,您可能无法获得位置结果。因此,我肯定会尝试另一种标准组合,这些组合在我上面链接的文档中列出。


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