deployment - Mage.exe 部署问题

标签 deployment command-line clickonce mage

我有一个需要在每台服务器上更改的配置文件,因此一旦服务器上安装了我们的软件,客户端安装程序的配置文件就会设置为匹配该服务器的特定设置,然后复制到公共(public)Web 上用于部署的文件夹。

由于我要更改配置文件,我还必须重建 *.manifest 和 *.application 文件,据我了解,我唯一真正的选择是使用 Win7 SDK 中的 Mage.exe。为了使用修改后的配置文件中的正确哈希修复 *.manifest 文件,我运行:

mage -new Application -fd ".\Application Files\<appName>_1_0_0_0" -ToFile ".\Application Files\_1_0_0_0\<appName>.exe.manifest" -Name "<appName>" -Version "" -CertFile "key.pfx" -password "<password>"

然后,要使用修改后的 *.manifest 文件中的正确哈希来修复 *.application 文件,我运行:

mage -new Deployment -I t -t "<appName>.application" -v "" -appManifest ".\Application Files\<appName>_1_0_0_0\<appName>.exe.manifest" -pu "http://<hostaddress>/<path>/Application Files/<appName>_1_0_0_0/<appName>.exe.manifest" -CertFile "key.pfx" -password ""

+ Deployment manifest is not semantically valid.
+ Deployment manifest requires <deployment> section.

在查看 *.application 文件时,它在“部署”节点下有一些附加信息,而直接来自 VS2008 的发布功能的相同文件没有:
<deployment install="true">
      <expiration maximumAge="0" unit="days" />
  <deploymentProvider codebase="http://<hostaddress>/<path>/Application Files/<appName>_1_0_0_0/<appName>.exe.manifest" />

VS2008 发布版本简单的有:
<deployment install="true" />


这是一个已知问题吗?有没有办法让 Mage 在没有部署节点中的额外信息的情况下创建文件,以便它能够正常工作?

编辑:作为临时解决方案,我将文件加载到 XmlDocument 并修改它们以适应,然后重新签署文件。此外,我现在还面临无法确定如何向部署添加图标的问题,因此“开始”菜单项获得的图标不是通用图标。


这是我的实现。我在这段代码上花了很多时间,但我仍然没有找到让 Mage 在不干预的情况下处理所有 .application 文件的生成的所有正确选项。我要说的是,可能有很多可以对这段代码进行优化的地方。但是,这仍然可以用作帮助某人的跳板。

为了使以下方法起作用,您必须至少从 VS 中的 ClickOnce 部署一次,然后只保留该部署中的 .application 文件。您必须删除部署文件夹中的 .application 和 .manifest。

在我将所有应用程序文件移动到 Config.Instance.ServerSettings.ClientLocation + "<AppName>_<version>" 之后:

DirectoryInfo filedir = new DirectoryInfo(Config.Instance.ServerSettings.ClientLocation);

if (filedir.Exists)
    FileInfo[] files = filedir.GetFiles();

    // Find the current .application file.
    FileInfo appinfo = null;
    foreach (FileInfo fi in files)
        if (fi.Name == "<AppName>.application")
            appinfo = fi;

    if (appinfo != null)
        XmlDocument applocinfo = new XmlDocument();

        // Get the location of the files from the .application file.
        string codebase = applocinfo["asmv1:assembly"]["dependency"]["dependentAssembly"].Attributes["codebase"].Value.Replace("AppName.exe.manifest", "");

        XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();
        xDoc.Load(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(filedir.FullName, codebase), "AppName.exe.config"));

        foreach (XmlNode xn in xDoc["configuration"]["appSettings"].ChildNodes)
            if (xn.Attributes != null && xn.Attributes["key"] != null && xn.Attributes["key"].Value == "Clnt_Host")
                // Here is where I'm modifying my config file, the whole purpose in this wretched deployment process.
                xn.Attributes["value"].Value = Config.Instance.ClientSettings.Host;

        xDoc.Save(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(filedir.FullName, codebase), "<AppName>.exe.config"));

        Process p = new Process();
        p.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(Path.Combine(filedir.FullName, "Mage.exe"));
        p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = filedir.FullName;

        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(filedir.FullName, codebase.TrimStart('.')), "<AppName>.exe.manifest"));
        if (fi.Exists)

        // Write a new .manifest file as an Application file. (-new Application -ToFile ".\codebase\<AppName.exe.manifest")
        // Include the files from the codebase directory in the manifest (-fd ".\codebase\")
        // Give the application a name to use in the start menu (-name "<AppName>")
        // Assign a version number to the deployment (-Version "<version>")
        // Give the application an icon to use in the start menu (-IconFile "64x64.ico")
        // Sign the manifest (-CertFile "<KeyName>.pfx -Password <password>)
        p.StartInfo.Arguments = "-new Application -fd \".\\" + codebase.TrimEnd('\\') + "\" -ToFile \".\\" + Path.Combine(codebase, "<AppName>.exe.manifest") + "\" -Name \"<AppName>\" -Version \"" + codebase.Substring(codebase.IndexOf('_') + 1, codebase.Length - (codebase.IndexOf('_') + 1)).Replace('_', '.').TrimEnd('\\') + "\" -CertFile \"<KeyName>.pfx\" -Password <Password> -IconFile \"64x64.ico\"";

        while (p.StartInfo.Arguments.Contains(".\\.\\"))
            p.StartInfo.Arguments = p.StartInfo.Arguments.Replace(".\\.\\", ".\\");

        Logger.Instance.LogInfo("Starting application: " + p.StartInfo.FileName + "\n\tWith arguments: " + p.StartInfo.Arguments, Logger.InfoType.Information);


        while (!p.HasExited)

        // Make a new deployment manifest (-new Deployment -t "<AppName>.application")
        // Make the application available offline (-I t)
        // Use the files from the .manifest we just made (-AppManifest ".\codebase\<AppName>.exe.manifest")
        p.StartInfo.Arguments = "-new Deployment -I t -t \"<AppName>.application\" -v \"" + codebase.Substring(codebase.IndexOf('_') + 1, codebase.Length - (codebase.IndexOf('_') + 1)).Replace('_', '.').TrimEnd('\\') + "\" -AppManifest \".\\" + codebase + "<AppName>.exe.manifest\" -pu \"http://" + Config.Instance.ClientSettings.Host + "/client/" + codebase.Replace('\\', '/') + "<AppName>.exe.manifest\"";

                    while (p.StartInfo.Arguments.Contains(".\\.\\"))
            p.StartInfo.Arguments = p.StartInfo.Arguments.Replace(".\\.\\", ".\\");

        Logger.Instance.LogInfo("Starting application: " + p.StartInfo.FileName + "\n\tWith arguments: " + p.StartInfo.Arguments, Logger.InfoType.Information);


        while (!p.HasExited)

        xDoc = new XmlDocument();
        xDoc.Load(Path.Combine(filedir.FullName, "<AppName>.application"));

        // Add to the Deployment manifest (.application) to make the application 
        // have a minimum required version of the current version,and makes a 
        // subscription so that the application will always check for updates before 
        // running.
        if (xDoc["asmv1:assembly"]["deployment"]["subscription"] != null)
            XmlAttribute node = xDoc.CreateAttribute("minimumRequiredVersion");
            node.Value = codebase.Substring(codebase.IndexOf('_') + 1, codebase.Length - (codebase.IndexOf('_') + 1)).Replace('_', '.').TrimEnd('\\');

            xDoc["asmv1:assembly"]["deployment"].InnerXml = "<subscription><update><beforeApplicationStartup /></update></subscription>";

        xDoc.Save(Path.Combine(filedir.FullName, "<AppName>.application"));

        // Sign the deployment manifest (.application) (-Sign "\<AppName>.application" -CertFile "<AppName>.key" -Password <password>
        p.StartInfo.Arguments = "-Sign \"<AppName>.application\" -CertFile \"<AppName>.pfx\" -Password <password>";

        while (p.StartInfo.Arguments.Contains(".\\.\\"))
            p.StartInfo.Arguments = p.StartInfo.Arguments.Replace(".\\.\\", ".\\");

        Logger.Instance.LogInfo("Starting application: " + p.StartInfo.FileName + "\n\tWith arguments: " + p.StartInfo.Arguments, Logger.InfoType.Information);


        while (!p.HasExited)

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