batch-file - 首次使用后命令提示符 "forgets"命令

标签 batch-file cmd

我不明白为什么命令提示符在第一次使用后突然忘记了某些命令。 我在我的电脑上创建了一个文件夹来存储我的自定义命令,让我的生活更轻松。我已将此文件夹添加到我的 PATH 环境变量中,以便我可以快速访问我的命令。

例如: 运行 ipconfig 两次或更多次会导致命令每次都按预期工作。 运行 alias 命令(下面包含的代码)两次或更多次按预期工作。 运行我的 deletefolder 命令两次只在第一次有效。第二次说'deletefolder' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序或批处理文件。现在 alias 命令也不再起作用(无法识别),但 ipconfig 仍然有效。要让我的命令再次生效,我必须重新启动命令提示符。



@echo off

set path=%1

    GOTO run
) ELSE (
    GOTO help


    echo. Usage:
    echo.   deletefolder [path] 

exit /B


    CHOICE /C YN /M "Are you sure?"
        :del /f/s/q %path% > nul
        :rmdir /s/q %path%

exit /B

别名命令(作者:Benjamin Eidelman,

@echo off

set operation=%1
set aliasname=%2
set aliasfile=%~dp0%2.cmd

IF "%~1"=="" GOTO help
IF /I "%~1"=="list" GOTO listaliases
IF /I "%~1"=="set" GOTO setalias
IF /I "%~1"=="get" GOTO getalias
IF /I "%~1"=="delete" GOTO deletealias
IF /I "%~1"=="here" GOTO setaliashere


echo. Usage:
echo.   alias list                        - list available cmd aliases
echo.   alias set [name] [command line]   - set an alias
echo.   alias get [name]                  - show an alias
echo.   alias delete [name]               - delete alias
echo.   alias here [name] [command line]  - create alias cmd on cwd

exit /B


dir /B %~dp0*.cmd
exit /B


set aliasfile=%2.cmd


if "%aliasname%"=="alias" (
    echo ERROR: cannot set this alias
    exit /B 1

echo %1 %2> "%aliasfile%"
for %%a in ("%aliasfile%") do set /a length=%%~za 
set /a length=length-1
set commandline=%*
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
call set commandline=!commandline:~%length%!
set commandline=%commandline% %%*
echo %commandline%> "%aliasfile%"
echo INFO: alias "%aliasname%" set
exit /B


if exist %aliasfile% (
  type %aliasfile%
) ELSE (
  echo ERROR: alias not found
  exit /B 1
exit /B


if /I "%aliasname%"=="alias" (
    echo ERROR: cannot delete this alias
    exit /B 1

if exist %aliasfile% (
  del %aliasfile%
  echo INFO: alias deleted
) ELSE (
  echo INFO: alias not found
exit /B    


The PATH environment variable有很special (and crucial) meaning :

The %PATH% environment variable contains a list of folders. When a command is issued at the CMD prompt, the operating system will first look for an executable file in the current folder, if not found it will scan %PATH% to find it.

不要随意更改 PATH 变量,使用另一个变量名,例如_path如下:

set "_path=%1"

IF DEFINED _path (
    GOTO run
) ELSE (
    GOTO help

rem your script continues here

关于batch-file - 首次使用后命令提示符 "forgets"命令,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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