android-studio - 一次部署多个构建变体 - Android studio gradle

标签 android-studio android-gradle-plugin build.gradle

我最近发现了这个关于 gradle productFlavors 的很棒的功能。我目前有 3 个变体(暂存、沙箱和生产),我可以使用构建变体面板一次部署其中一个变体。



在 Android Studio 中,打开“Gradle Tasks”选项卡,通常在右侧。您将看到许多以“组装”开头的任务,双击其中之一。



Building and Tasks

We previously saw that each Build Type creates its own assemble task, but that Build Variants are a combination of Build Type and Product Flavor.

When Product Flavors are used, more assemble-type tasks are created. These are:

1) assemble[Variant Name]

2) assemble[Build Type Name]

3) assemble[Product Flavor Name]

1) allows directly building a single variant. For instance assembleFlavor1Debug.

2) allows building all APKs for a given Build Type. For instance assembleDebug will build both Flavor1Debug and Flavor2Debug variants.

3) allows building all APKs for a given flavor. For instance assembleFlavor1 will build both Flavor1Debug and Flavor1Release variants.

The task assemble will build all possible variants.

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