javascript - 长时间运行异步更新后关闭 Web 资源

标签 javascript dynamics-crm microsoft-dynamics dynamics-crm-online dynamics-365

我使用 WebAPI 调用一次检索多个 GUID。我遍历每个结果并相应地更新记录。这一切都是异步完成的。我不希望用户等待所有记录更新,只是想关闭网络资源。 我使用 window.close() 但是,它会中断之前启动的异步更新调用。我怎样才能避免这个?以下是我正在调用的电话:"new_contract", "?$select=new_contractid&$filter=statecode eq 0 and statuscode eq 100000001&$top=5000")
    .then(function(results) {
        for (var i = 0; i < results.entities.length; i++) {
            var new_contractid = results.entities[i]["new_contractid"];
            var processedGuid = new_contractid.replace(/[{}]/g, "");

            var entity = {};
            entity.new_run = new Date(y).toISOString();

  "new_contract", processedGuid, entity)
                .then(function success(result) {
                    var updatedEntityId =;
                function (error) {
    }, function (error) {




It seems we should be thinking of the custom actions as of the “functions”. Those functions can be defined as a mix of workflow steps and plugins – we can pass input parameters into the custom action and retrieve output parameters from the custom action. The reason we can call then “functions” is that, unlike with the workflow/plugins, we can, actually, call those functions from other places – we can call them from javascripts, we can call them from workflows, and we can call them from plugins.

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