xpath - 这个xpath是什么意思?

标签 xpath

  //table[ancestor::*[1][self::p] or ancestor::*[2][self::p]]
    tr/td//a[ancestor::*[1`][self::td] or ancestor::*[2][self::td]]


//                               # from the root node, look at all descendants
p[                               # select nodes of type <p>, who have…
  not(ancestor::*[3])            #   …no ancestor 3 levels up
]                                #
//                               # from these nodes, select descendants
table[                           # of type <table>, who have…
  ancestor::*[1][self::p]        #   …a <p> as their direct ancestor
  or                             #   or
  ancestor::*[2][self::p]        #   …a <p> as their second ancestor
]                                # 
                                 # syntax error, this should be a location step
tr                               # …select all nodes of type <tr>
/                                # from their children…
td                               # …select all nodes of type <td>
//                               # from their descendants…
a[                               # …select all nodes of type <a>, who have
  ancestor::*[1][self::td]       #   …a <td> as their direct ancestor   
  or                             #   or 
  ancestor::*[2][self::td]       #   …a <td> as their second ancestor

或者,用 HTML 表示:

            <a title="These would be selected." />

无论如何,整个 XPath 没有太大意义。不言而喻<p><table> HTML 无效。

关于xpath - 这个xpath是什么意思?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4571169/


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