Scala 泛型的模式匹配

标签 scala generics pattern-matching

我有一个“字符串”列表(类 String 的包装器,名为 Str),其中一些具有混合特征。
在某个时间点,我需要区分 mixin 特征以提供额外的功能。


case class Str(s: String)
trait A
trait B

object GenericsPatternMatch extends {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    val listOfStr: Seq[Str] =
        new Str("String A") with A, // Some trait mixins
        new Str("String B") with B

    println("A: " + selectStrA(listOfStr))
    println("B: " + selectStrB(listOfStr))

  val selectStrA: Seq[Str] => Seq[Str with A] = (strList: Seq[Str]) => strList.collect { case s: A => s }
  val selectStrB: Seq[Str] => Seq[Str with B] = (strList: Seq[Str]) => strList.collect { case s: B => s }

为了保持代码符合 DRY 原则,我想生成 selectStr 函数。
def selectStrType[T](strList: Seq[Str]): Seq[Str with T] =
    strList.collect { case f: Str with T => f }

然而,由于 JVM 运行时类型删除功能(限制?),编译器会发出警告并且它不起作用,很可能是因为它会将所有内容与 Object 匹配:
Warning:(31, 31) abstract type pattern T is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
    strList.collect { case f: Str with T => f }

def selectStrType[T: ClassTag](strList: Seq[Str]): Seq[Str with T] =
    strList.collect {
      case f: Str if classTag[T].runtimeClass.isInstance(f) => f.asInstanceOf[Str with T]

val selectStrA: Seq[Str] => Seq[Str with A] = (strList: Seq[Str]) => selectStrType[A](strList: Seq[Str])
val selectStrB: Seq[Str] => Seq[Str with B] = (strList: Seq[Str]) => selectStrType[B](strList: Seq[Str])

我相信可能有一种方法可以改进 selectStrType 函数,即:
  • 简化 if 条件
  • 删除显式转换“.asInstanceOf[Str with T]”,但仍返回 Seq[Str with T]

  • 你能帮助我吗?



    def selectStrType[T: ClassTag](strList: Seq[Str]): Seq[Str with T] =
      strList.collect { case f: T => f }

    因为 ClassTag上下文仅在 T 上绑定(bind)类型匹配将起作用(理想情况下 Str with T 也应该起作用,但这似乎是一个限制)。现在编译器知道 f有类型 Str并输入 T ,或者换句话说 Str with T ,所以编译。它会做正确的事:
    scala> selectStrType[A](listOfStr)
    res3: Seq[Str with A] = List(Str(String A))
    scala> selectStrType[B](listOfStr)
    res4: Seq[Str with B] = List(Str(String B))

    编辑:更正,这似乎可行从 Scala 2.13 开始 .在 2.12 中,您需要对编译器有所帮助:
    def selectStrType[T: ClassTag](strList: Seq[Str]): Seq[Str with T] =
      strList.collect { case f: T => f: Str with T }

    关于Scala 泛型的模式匹配,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:



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