r - 自适应移动平均线-R中的最佳性能

标签 r data.table zoo mapply rollapply



x = c(120,105,118,140,142,141,135,152,154,138,125,132,131,120)
plot(x, type="l")


width = sample(2:4,length(x),TRUE)


r = f(x, width, FUN = mean)
##  [1]       NA       NA 114.3333 120.7500 141.0000 135.2500 139.5000
##  [8] 142.6667 147.0000 146.0000 131.5000 128.5000 131.5000 127.6667
plot(x, type="l")
lines(r, col="red")





data.table最近-?froll手册中的更多信息。此外,已经确定了使用碱基R的有效替代解决方案(以下fastama)。不幸的是,凯文·乌谢(Kevin Ushey)的答案并未解决该问题,因此未包含在基准测试中。

x = rnorm(1e6)
width = rep(seq(from = 100, to = 500, by = 5), length.out=length(x))
  zoo=rollapplyr(x, width = width, FUN=mean, fill=NA),
  mapply=base_mapply(x, width=width, FUN=mean, na.rm=T),
  wmapply=wmapply(x, width=width, FUN=mean, na.rm=T),
  ama=ama(x, width, na.rm=T),
  fastama=fastama(x, width),
  frollmean=frollmean(x, width, na.rm=T, adaptive=TRUE),
  frollmean_exact=frollmean(x, width, na.rm=T, adaptive=TRUE, algo="exact"),
#Unit: milliseconds
#            expr          min           lq         mean       median           uq          max neval
#             zoo 32371.938248 32371.938248 32371.938248 32371.938248 32371.938248 32371.938248     1
#          mapply 13351.726032 13351.726032 13351.726032 13351.726032 13351.726032 13351.726032     1
#         wmapply 15114.774972 15114.774972 15114.774972 15114.774972 15114.774972 15114.774972     1
#             ama  9780.239091  9780.239091  9780.239091  9780.239091  9780.239091  9780.239091     1
#         fastama   351.618042   351.618042   351.618042   351.618042   351.618042   351.618042     1
#       frollmean     7.708054     7.708054     7.708054     7.708054     7.708054     7.708054     1
# frollmean_exact   194.115012   194.115012   194.115012   194.115012   194.115012   194.115012     1

ama = function(x, n, na.rm=FALSE, fill=NA, nf.rm=FALSE) {
  # more or less the same as previous forloopply
  if (nf.rm) x[!is.finite(x)] = NA_real_
  ans = rep(NA_real_, nx)
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    ans[i] = if (i >= n[i])
      mean(x[(i-n[i]+1):i], na.rm=na.rm)
    else as.double(fill)
fastama = function(x, n, na.rm, fill=NA) {
  if (!missing(na.rm)) stop("fast adaptive moving average implemented in R does not handle NAs, input having NAs will result in incorrect answer so not even try to compare to it")
  # fast implementation of adaptive moving average in R, in case of NAs incorrect answer
  cs = cumsum(x)
  ans = rep(NA_real_, nx)
  for (i in seq_along(cs)) {
    ans[i] = if (i == n[i])
    else if (i > n[i])
    else as.double(fill)


我选择了4种不需要C ++的解决方案,很容易找到或使用google。

# 1. rollapply
# 2. mapply
base_mapply <- function(x, width, FUN, ...){
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  f <- function(i, width, data){
    if(i < width) return(NA_real_)
    return(FUN(data[(i-(width-1)):i], ...))
  mapply(FUN = f, 
         seq_along(x), width,
         MoreArgs = list(data = x))
# 3. wmapply - modified version of wapply found: https://rmazing.wordpress.com/2013/04/23/wapply-a-faster-but-less-functional-rollapply-for-vector-setups/
wmapply <- function(x, width, FUN = NULL, ...){
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  SEQ1 <- 1:length(x)
  SEQ1[SEQ1 <  width] <- NA_integer_
  SEQ2 <- lapply(SEQ1, function(i) if(!is.na(i)) (i - (width[i]-1)):i)
  OUT <- lapply(SEQ2, function(i) if(!is.null(i)) FUN(x[i], ...) else NA_real_)
  return(base:::simplify2array(OUT, higher = TRUE))
# 4. forloopply - simple loop solution
forloopply <- function(x, width, FUN = NULL, ...){
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  OUT <- numeric()
  for(i in 1:length(x)) {
    if(i < width[i]) next
    OUT[i] <- FUN(x[(i-(width[i]-1)):i], ...)

以下是prod功能的时序。 mean函数可能已经在rollapplyr内部进行了优化。所有结果均相等。

# 1a. length(x) = 1000, window = 5-20
x <- runif(1000,0.5,1.5)
width <- rep(seq(from = 5, to = 20, by = 5), length(x)/4)
  rollapplyr(data = x, width = width, FUN = prod, fill = NA),
  base_mapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm=T),
  wmapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm=T),
  forloopply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm=T),
Unit: milliseconds
                                                       expr       min        lq    median       uq       max neval
 rollapplyr(data = x, width = width, FUN = prod, fill = NA) 59.690217 60.694364 61.979876 68.55698 153.60445   100
   base_mapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm = T) 14.372537 14.694266 14.953234 16.00777  99.82199   100
       wmapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm = T)  9.384938  9.755893  9.872079 10.09932  84.82886   100
    forloopply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm = T) 14.730428 15.062188 15.305059 15.76560 342.44173   100

# 1b. length(x) = 1000, window = 50-200
x <- runif(1000,0.5,1.5)
width <- rep(seq(from = 50, to = 200, by = 50), length(x)/4)
  rollapplyr(data = x, width = width, FUN = prod, fill = NA),
  base_mapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm=T),
  wmapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm=T),
  forloopply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm=T),
Unit: milliseconds
                                                       expr      min       lq   median       uq      max neval
 rollapplyr(data = x, width = width, FUN = prod, fill = NA) 71.99894 74.19434 75.44112 86.44893 281.6237   100
   base_mapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm = T) 15.67158 16.10320 16.39249 17.20346 103.6211   100
       wmapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm = T) 10.88882 11.54721 11.75229 12.19790 106.1170   100
    forloopply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm = T) 15.70704 16.06983 16.40393 17.14210 108.5005   100

# 2a. length(x) = 10000, window = 5-20
x <- runif(10000,0.5,1.5)
width <- rep(seq(from = 5, to = 20, by = 5), length(x)/4)
  rollapplyr(data = x, width = width, FUN = prod, fill = NA),
  base_mapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm=T),
  wmapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm=T),
  forloopply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm=T),
Unit: milliseconds
                                                       expr       min       lq   median       uq       max neval
 rollapplyr(data = x, width = width, FUN = prod, fill = NA) 753.87882 781.8789 809.7680 872.8405 1116.7021   100
   base_mapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm = T) 148.54919 159.9986 231.5387 239.9183  339.7270   100
       wmapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm = T)  98.42682 105.2641 117.4923 183.4472  245.4577   100
    forloopply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm = T) 533.95641 602.0652 646.7420 672.7483  922.3317   100

# 2b. length(x) = 10000, window = 50-200
x <- runif(10000,0.5,1.5)
width <- rep(seq(from = 50, to = 200, by = 50), length(x)/4)
  rollapplyr(data = x, width = width, FUN = prod, fill = NA),
  base_mapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm=T),
  wmapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm=T),
  forloopply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm=T),
Unit: milliseconds
                                                       expr      min       lq    median        uq       max neval
 rollapplyr(data = x, width = width, FUN = prod, fill = NA) 912.5829 946.2971 1024.7245 1071.5599 1431.5289   100
   base_mapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm = T) 171.3189 180.6014  260.8817  269.5672  344.4500   100
       wmapply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm = T) 123.1964 131.1663  204.6064  221.1004  484.3636   100
    forloopply(x = x, width = width, FUN = prod, na.rm = T) 561.2993 696.5583  800.9197  959.6298 1273.5350   100

关于r - 自适应移动平均线-R中的最佳性能,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21368245/



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