powershell - 构建完成后,TFS 2015 不再将内部版本号添加到全局列表中?

标签 powershell tfs tfsbuild tfs-2015 azure-pipelines

在 TFS 2015 新构建系统中,是否删除了在构建完成时自动将构建号添加到全局列表(构建 - 项目名称)的功能?

我是否需要编写自定义 PowerShell 任务来完成此任务?

注意:XAML 构建仍然像以前一样将构建号添加到全局列表。


由于 vNext 构建系统中仍然缺少许多功能,因此我制作了一个 PowerShell 脚本来完成这项工作。
在不久的将来,我计划更新此脚本以支持 IntegratedIn 字段填充并将脚本转换为自定义构建任务。


function Update-GlobalListXml

    Write-Verbose "Checking whether '$glName' exists"
    $buildList = $globalListsDoc.GLOBALLISTS.GLOBALLIST | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $glName }
    if ($buildList -eq $null)
        Write-Host "GlobalList '$glName' does not exist and will be created"
        $globalLists = $globalListsDoc.GLOBALLISTS
        if($globalLists.OuterXml -eq $null)
            $newDoc = [xml]"<gl:GLOBALLISTS xmlns:gl="""http://schemas.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/2005/workitemtracking/globallists"""></gl:GLOBALLISTS>"
            $globalLists = $newDoc.GLOBALLISTS
        $globalList = $globalLists.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("GLOBALLIST")
        $globalList.SetAttribute("name", $glName)
        $buildList = $globalLists.AppendChild($globalList)
    if(($buildList.LISTITEM | where-object { $_.value -eq $buildNumber }) -ne $null)
        throw "The LISTITEM value: '$buildNumber' already exists in the GLOBALLIST: '$glName'"

    Write-Host "Adding '$buildNumber' as a new LISTITEM in '$glName'"
    $build = $buildList.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("LISTITEM")
    $build.SetAttribute("value", $buildNumber)
    $buildList.AppendChild($build) | out-null

    return $buildList.OwnerDocument

function Invoke-GlobalListAPI()

    try {
            $wiStore.ImportGlobalLists($globalLists.OuterXml) # Account must be explicitly in the Project Administrator Group
            return [xml]$wiStore.ExportGlobalLists()
    catch [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TeamFoundationServerException] {
        Write-Error "An error has occured while exporting or importing GlobalList"
        throw $_

function Get-WorkItemStore()

    # Loads client API binaries from agent folder
    $clientDll = Join-Path $agentWorker "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.dll"
    $wiTDll = Join-Path $agentWorker "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.dll"
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($clientDll) | Write-Verbose
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($wiTDll) | Write-Verbose

    try {
        Write-Host "Connecting to $tpcUri"
        $tfsTpc = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory]::GetTeamProjectCollection($tpcUri)
        return $tfsTpc.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore])
    catch [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TeamFoundationServerException] {
        Write-Error "An error has occured while retrieving WorkItemStore"
        throw $_

function Get-WITDataStore64

    if($env:VS140COMNTOOLS -eq $null)
        throw New-Object System.InvalidOperationException "Visual Studio 2015 must be installed on the build agent" # TODO: Change it by checking agent capabilities

    $idePath = Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $env:VS140COMNTOOLS) "IDE"
    return Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $idePath -Filter "Microsoft.WITDataStore64.dll" | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName

function Update-GlobalList

    # Get environment variables
    Write-Verbose "Team Project Collection Url: '$tpcUri'"
    $teamProjectName = $env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT
    Write-Verbose "Team Project: '$teamProjectName'"
    $buildNumber = $env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER
    Write-Verbose "Build Number: '$buildNumber'"
    $agentHome = $env:AGENT_HOMEDIRECTORY
    Write-Verbose "Agent home direrctory: '$agentHome'"
    $globalListName = "Builds - $teamProjectName"
    Write-Verbose "GlobalList name: '$teamProjectName'"

    # Copy 'Microsoft.WITDataStore64.dll' from Visual Studio directory to AgentBin directory if it does not exist
    $agentWorker = Join-Path $agentHome "agent\Worker"
    $targetPath = Join-Path $agentWorker "Microsoft.WITDataStore64.dll" # Only compatible with x64 process #TODO use constant instead
    if(-not (Test-Path $targetPath))
        $wITDataStore64FilePath = Get-WITDataStore64
        Write-Host "Copying $wITDataStore64FilePath to $targetPath"
        Copy-Item $wITDataStore64FilePath $targetPath | Write-Verbose

    $wiStore = Get-WorkItemStore -tpcUri $tpcUri -agentWorker $agentWorker

    # Retrive GLOBALLISTS
    $xmlDoc = Invoke-GlobalListAPI -export -wiStore $wiStore
    $gls2 = Update-GlobalListXml -globalListsDoc $xmlDoc -glName $globalListName -buildNumber $buildNumber

    Invoke-GlobalListAPI -import -globalLists $gls2 -wiStore $wiStore


这是 Github 仓库的链接,欢迎反馈 => https://github.com/GregoryOtt/UpdateWiBuildNum/blob/master/Update-GlobalList.ps1

关于powershell - 构建完成后,TFS 2015 不再将内部版本号添加到全局列表中?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32076066/


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