graph-theory - 网络的直径是什么意思?

标签 graph-theory terminology shortest-path

this link上显示的图表“具有 6 个顶点和 7 个边的图,其中最左侧的第 6 个顶点是叶顶点或悬垂顶点。”有直径 4 吗?对还是错?


The diameter of a graph is the maximum eccentricity of any vertex in the graph. That is, it is the greatest distance between any pair of vertices. To find the diameter of a graph, first find the shortest path between each pair of vertices. The greatest length of any of these paths is the diameter of the graph.

Diameter, D, of a network having N nodes is defined as the maximum shortest paths between any two nodes in the network

Diameter, D, of a network having N nodes is defined as the longest path, p, of the shortest paths between any two nodes D ¼ max (minp[pij length( p)). In this equation, pij is the length of the path between nodes i and j and length (p) is a procedure that returns the length of the path, p. For example, the diameter of a 4 4 Mesh D ¼ 6.



根据定义,直径对我来说似乎是 3。

alt text

最长最短路径的长度为 3 条边,例如之间6-16-2 .



Diameter D of a network is defined as the longest path of the shortest paths between any two nodes. For example, the diameter of a 4x4 mesh D = 6

我们来看看 4x4 mesh例子:
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最长最短路径的长度为 6 条边,即在 A-P 之间和 M-D .

  • Mathworld - Wolfram/Graph Diameter

    The length of the "longest shortest path" between any two graph vertices of a graph.

  • Graph and Digraph Glossary -

    Diameter: The diameter of a graph is the length of the longest chain you are forced to use to get from one vertex to another in that graph. You can find the diameter of a graph by finding the distance between every pair of vertices and taking the maximum of those distances.

  • 也可以看看
  • Computing Distances and Diameter
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