dart - 如何将任意数据从Dart polymer Web组件传递到Click事件处理函数

标签 dart dart-webui polymer

在Dart的Web UI中,可以响应事件而传递任意数据以起作用,例如,以下代码段响应按钮的on-click事件将值2传递给increment(int incBy)方法:

<!-- Web UI -->
<element name="x-click-counter">
    <button on-click="increment(2)">  <!-- passing a value of 2 -->
      Click me
  import 'package:web_ui/web_ui.dart';

  class CounterComponent extends WebComponent {
    void increment(int incBy) {        // accept the value of 2
      count = count + incBy;

在Polymer(和Polymer.dart)中,单击事件属性需要函数名称的字符串版本,而不是实际的函数调用。这在polymer docs page上描述为:

The value of an event handler attribute is the string name of a method on the component. Unlike traditional syntax, you cannot put executable code in the attribute.


<polymer-element name="x-click-counter">
    <button on-click="increment">  <!-- can't pass a value of 2, as you need to pass a string -->
      Click Me
  import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';

  class CounterComponent extends PolymerElement with ObservableMixin {
    @observable int count = 0;

    void increment(Event event, var detail, var target) {  // How do I pass 2 to this function?
      count = count ++;



您可以使用html data-属性来传递额外的数据,然后通过target参数访问它们。


<polymer-element name="x-click-counter">
    <button on-click="increment"  data-incby="2">  <!-- now passing the value as a data attribute -->
      Click Me
  import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';

  class CounterComponent extends PolymerElement with ObservableMixin {
    @observable int count = 0;

    void increment(Event event, var detail, var target) {
      int incBy = int.parse(target.attributes['data-incby']);  // extract the value 2
      count = count + incBy;

关于dart - 如何将任意数据从Dart polymer Web组件传递到Click事件处理函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18249077/


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