Jenkinsfile 中的 Jenkins 全局环境变量

标签 jenkins groovy jenkins-pipeline

如何在 Jenkinsfile 中调用全局环境变量?
例如,如果我有一个变量 -


我如何在 groovy 脚本中使用它?

我试过 ${credentialsId} ,但它没有用。它只会给出错误:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method '$' found among steps [ArtifactoryGradleBuild, ........


在 Jenkinsfile 中,您有“Working with the Environment ”,其中提到:

The full list of environment variables accessible from within Jenkins Pipeline is documented at localhost:8080/pipeline-syntax/globals#env,

语法是 ${}如:
node {
    echo "Running ${env.BUILD_ID} on ${env.JENKINS_URL}"
另见“Managing the Environment”。

How can I pass the Global variables to the Jenkinsfile?
When I say Global variables - I mean in

Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Global properties -> Environment variables
见“Setting environment variables

Setting an environment variable within a Jenkins Pipeline can be done with the withEnv step, which allows overriding specified environment variables for a given block of Pipeline Script, for example:

Jenkinsfile (Pipeline Script)

node {
    /* .. snip .. */
    withEnv(["NAME=value"]) {
        ... your job

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