Doctrine 批处理迭代高内存使用率

标签 doctrine batch-processing

我一直在研究在 Doctrine ( ) 中使用迭代器进行批处理。我有一个包含 20,000 张图像的数据库,我想对其进行迭代。

我知道使用迭代器应该可以防止 Doctrine 加载内存中的每一行。然而,两个示例之间的内存使用几乎完全相同。我正在计算使用 (memory_get_usage() / 1024) 前后的内存使用情况.

$query = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT i FROM Acme\Entities\Image i');
$iterable = $query->iterate();

while (($image = $iterable->next()) !== false) {
    // Do something here!

Memory usage before: 2823.36328125 KB
Memory usage after: 50965.3125 KB

第二个示例使用 findAll 将整个结果集加载到内存中方法。
$images = $this->em->getRepository('Acme\Entities\Image')->findAll();
findAll 的内存使用情况.
Memory usage before: 2822.828125 KB
Memory usage after: 51329.03125 KB


即使在 iterate() 的帮助下,使用 Doctrine 进行批处理也比看起来更棘手。和 IterableResult .

正如您所期望的IterableResult的最大好处是它不会将所有元素加载到内存中,第二个好处是它不保存对加载的实体的引用,因此 IterableResult不会阻止 GC 从您的实体中释放内存。

然而,还有另一个对象 Doctrine's EntityManager (更具体地说 UnitOfWork ),它保存对您显式或隐式查询的每个对象的所有引用( EAGER 关联)。

简而言之,每当您获得 findAll() 返回的任何实体时findOneBy()即使通过 DQL查询以及 IterableResult ,然后在 Doctrine 中保存对每个实体的引用。引用简单地存储在一个 assoc 数组中,这是伪代码:$identityMap['Acme\Entities\Image'][0] = $image0;
因此,因为在循环的每次迭代中,您之前的图像(尽管不在循环范围或 IterableResult 的范围内)仍然存在于此 identityMap 中。 , GC 无法清理它们并且您的内存消耗与您调用 findAll() 时相同.


$query = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT i FROM Acme\Entities\Image i'); 

//这里 Doctrine 只创建 Query 对象,这里没有 db 访问
$iterable = $query->iterate(); 

//与 findAll() 不同,在此调用时不会发生数据库访问。
//这里 Query 对象简单地包装在一个迭代器中
while (($image_row = $iterable->next()) !== false) {  
    // now upon the first call to next() the DB WILL BE ACCESSED FOR THE FIRST TIME
    // the first resulting row will be returned
    // row will be hydrated into Image object
    // ----> REFERENCE OF OBJECT WILL BE SAVED INSIDE $identityMap <----
    // the row will be returned to you via next()

    // to access actual Image object, you need to take [0]th element of the array                            

     $image = $image_row[0];
    // Do something here!

    //now as the loop ends, the variables $image (and $image_row) will go out of scope 
    // and from what we see should be ready for GC
    // however because reference to this specific image object is still held
    // by the EntityManager (inside of $identityMap), GC will NOT clean it 
// and by the end of your loop you will consume as much memory
// as you would have by using `findAll()`.

所以第一个解决方案实际上是告诉 Doctrine EntityManager 将对象从 $identityMap 中分离出来。 .我也换了while循环到 foreach使其更具可读性。
foreach($iterable as $image_row){
    $image = $image_row[0]; 

    // do something with the image

    // this line will tell doctrine to remove the _reference_to_the_object_ 
    // from identity map. And thus object will be ready for GC

然而,上面的例子几乎没有缺陷,即使它在 doctrine's documentation on batch processing 中有特色。 .它运作良好,以防您的实体 Image不执行 EAGER加载它的任何关联。但是,如果您急切地加载任何关联,例如。 :
class Image {

  private $id;

  private $imageName;

   @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Acme\Entity\User", fetch="EAGER")
   This association will be automatically (EAGERly) loaded by doctrine
   every time you query from db Image entity. Whether by findXXX(),DQL or iterate()
  private $owner;

  // getters/setters left out for clarity

foreach($iterable as $image_row){
    $image = $image_row[0]; 
    // here becuase of EAGER loading, we already have in memory owner entity
    // which can be accessed via $image->getOwner() 

    // do something with the image

    // here we detach Image entity, but `$owner` `User` entity is still
    // referenced in the doctrine's `$identityMap`. Thus we are leaking memory still.


可能的解决方案是使用 EntityManager::clear()代替或 EntityManager::detach()这将完全清除身份映射。
foreach($iterable as $image_row){
    $image = $image_row[0]; 
    // here becuase of EAGER loading, we already have in memory owner entity
    // which can be accessed via $image->getOwner() 

    // do something with the image

    // now ``$identityMap` will be cleared of ALL entities it has
    // the `Image` the `User` loaded in this loop iteration and as as
    // SIDE EFFECT all OTHER Entities which may have been loaded by you
    // earlier. Thus you when you start this loop you must NOT rely
    // on any entities you have `persist()`ed or `remove()`ed 
    // all changes since the last `flush()` will be lost.


所以希望这有助于理解 Doctrine 迭代。

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