macos - 是否可以从命令行启动 Teamviewer 以接受连接?

标签 macos command-line remote-access

有一个问题是如何start, Teamviewer from commandline, to make outward connections ,但是我想从命令行启动 Teamviewer(因此它可以接受传入的连接)。

这可能吗?如果是这样,任何人都可以提供一些信息吗?我在 Teamviewers 支持网站上的任何地方都没有找到它,到目前为止已经尝试了不同的方法。

注意:操作系统为 OS X 10.6.8,TeamViewer 为 TV8。



正如 上所说:

This can be done with OSX, but there seems to be a bug that requires a particular work-around that I was lucky to notice. TeamViewer will need to be run twice -- once as sudo, and another as the user:

SSH into the OSX machine and run TeamViewer like so:

sudo /Applications/

It should fail and report: com.teamviewer.desktop: Invalid argument com.teamviewer.teamviewer: Invalid argument

Now run it again without sudo:


This should launch TeamViewer and make it ready for a client connection.

If for some reason it fails to launch, try setting the display first with:

export DISPLAY=:0

然后,要获取您的 TeamViewer ID,请执行以下操作:

defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.teamviewer.teamviewer9 ClientID

刚刚在 OS X Lion 上进行了测试。

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