.net - XmlSerializer启动在64位系统上的巨大性能损失

标签 .net 64-bit xmlserializer


注意:我在家里没有Visual Studio的情况下编写代码,因此可能会有一些错误。


class Foo
    public Foo() { }

    [XmlElement(ElementName = "Field1")]
    public string Field1;

    // [...] 500 Fields defined in the same way

    [XmlElement(ElementName = "Field500")]
    public string Field500;

 StringReader sr = new StringReader(@"<Foo><Field1>foo</Field1></Foo>");
 XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Foo));
 object o = serializer.Deserialize(sr);


在64位系统上运行该应用程序,该代码第一次将设为ONE MINUTE ,然后接近0。


现在,我不确定是否要怪临时类的生成/删除,xml名称表初始化,CAS,Windows Search,AntiVirus或圣诞老人...


  • 从Visual Studio调试器运行代码,即使在64位系统中,代码也可以快速运行
  • 添加(完全未记录)system.diagnostic开关“XmlSerialization.Compile”,可以防止系统删除序列化临时类,即使在64位系统中,该代码也可以运行FAST。
  • 采取由运行时创建的临时FooXmlSerializer类(包括我的项目中的.cs),并使用它代替XmlSerializer,即使在64位系统中,代码也可以快速运行
  • 使用sgen.exe创建相同的FooXmlSerializer类,包括我项目中的.cs,并使用它代替XmlSerializer,即使在64位系统中,代码也可以快速运行
  • 使用sgen.exe创建相同的FooXmlSerializer类,在我的项目中引用Foo.XmlSerializers.dll程序集,并使用它而不是XmlSerializer来使代码即使在64位系统中也运行缓慢(这使我感到很不舒服)
  • 仅当要反序列化的输入实际上包含一个大类的字段时才发生性能损失(,这也会给我带来很多的麻烦)

  • 为了进一步解释最后一点,如果我有课的话:
    class Bar
        public Bar() { }
        [XmlElement(ElementName = "Foo")]
        public Foo Foo; // my class with 500 fields

     StringReader sr = new StringReader(@"<Bar></Bar>");
     XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Bar));
     object o = serializer.Deserialize(sr); // FAST
     StringReader sr = new StringReader(@"<Bar><Foo><Field1>foo</Field1></Foo></Bar>");
     XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Bar));
     object o = serializer.Deserialize(sr); // SLOW

    编辑我忘了说我使用Process Monitor分析了执行情况,并且看不到任何任务需要花费很长时间从我的应用程序或csc.exe或与框架相关的任何事情。系统只是做其他事情(或者我缺少什么),例如防病毒,explorer.exe,Windows搜索索引(已经尝试将其关闭)


    我根本不知道这是否相关,但是我在XSLT上遇到了一个问题,并且发现了Microsoft关于64位JITter的those rather interesting comments:

    The root of the problem is related to two things: First, the x64 JIT compiler has a few algorithms that are quadratically scaling. One of them is the debug info generator, unfortunately. So for very large methods, it really gets out of control.


    some algorithms in the 64 bit JIT that have polynomial scaling. We're actually working on porting the 32 bit JIT compiler to x64, but that won't see the light of day until the next side-by-side release of the runtime (as in "2.0 & 4.0 run side-by-side, but 3.0/3.5/3.5SP1 were 'in-place' releases). I've switched this over to a 'suggestion' so I can keep it attached to the JIT-throughput work item to make sure this is fixed when the newly ported JIT is ready to ship.


    关于.net - XmlSerializer启动在64位系统上的巨大性能损失,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4137335/


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