linq - Linq 中的全文搜索

标签 linq linq-to-sql search full-text-search

Linq 中没有内置全文搜索,而且似乎没有很多关于该主题的帖子,所以我玩了一下,并为我的实用类想出了这个方法:

public static IEnumerable<TSource> GenericFullTextSearch<TSource>(string text, MyDataContext context)
    //Find LINQ Table attribute
    object[] info = typeof(TSource).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute), true);
    //Get table name
    String table = (info[0] as System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute).Name;
    //Full text search on that table
    return context.ExecuteQuery<TSource>(String.Concat("SELECT * FROM ", table, " WHERE CONTAINS(*, {0})"), text);

并将这个包装器添加到每个有全文索引的部分 Linq 类中
public static IEnumerable<Pet> FullTextSearch(string text, MyDataContext context)
    return (LinqUtilities.GenericFullTextSearch<Pet>(text, context) as IEnumerable<Pet>);

var Pets = Pet.FullTextSearch(helloimatextbox.Text, MyDataContext).Skip(10).Take(10);



最简洁的解决方案是在 sql 中使用内联表值函数并将其添加到您的模型中

To get it working you need to create a table valued function that does nothing more than a CONTAINSTABLE query based on the keywords you pass in,

create function udf_sessionSearch
      (@keywords nvarchar(4000)) returns table as   return (select [SessionId],[rank]
            from containstable(Session,(description,title),@keywords))

You then add this function to your LINQ 2 SQL model and he presto you can now write queries like.

var sessList = from s   in DB.Sessions
               join fts in DB.udf_sessionSearch(SearchText) on s.sessionId equals fts.SessionId
               select s;

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