javascript - 通过 javascript 比较浏览器版本

标签 javascript browser


例如,如果脚本想知道用户是否使用 Firefox 3.5+



你应该雇用object/feature detection以确保某些东西在你应用它之前会起作用。从该链接:

While browser detection works well enough for 90% of your visitors, some obscure browsers won't be treated correctly and browsers that appear after you've written the page may not be adequately covered either. The results would be either a stream of error messages or a script that isn't called while the browser can easily handle it. In both cases, you're cheating your end users and coding incorrectly.

要获取浏览器版本,您可以使用 Navigator object :

alert(navigator.appName + ' ' + navigator.appVersion);

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