spring-mvc - Spring RequestBodyAdvice 没有被触发

标签 spring-mvc

我声明了 @ControllerAdvice实现 RequestBodyAdvice .我的问题是它没有被触发。我有一个 ResponseBodyAdvice在同一个包中,它按预期工作。

public class RestPreProcessingAdvice implements RequestBodyAdvice {

  public boolean supports(final MethodParameter methodParameter, final Type targetType,
      final Class<? extends HttpMessageConverter<?>> converterType) {
    return checkIfElegiable(...);

  public Object handleEmptyBody(final Object body, final HttpInputMessage inputMessage, final MethodParameter parameter,
      final Type targetType, final Class<? extends HttpMessageConverter<?>> converterType) {
    return body;

  public HttpInputMessage beforeBodyRead(final HttpInputMessage inputMessage, final MethodParameter parameter,
      final Type targetType, final Class<? extends HttpMessageConverter<?>> converterType) throws IOException {
    return doSomeProcessing(...);

  public Object afterBodyRead(final Object body, final HttpInputMessage inputMessage, final MethodParameter parameter,
      final Type targetType, final Class<? extends HttpMessageConverter<?>> converterType) {
    return body;

我调试并看到这个 @ControllerAdvice正在 ControllerAdviceBean.findAnnotatedBeans() 中找到.但是为什么它没有被触发我到目前为止还没有找到。

How to use RequestBodyAdviceSpring RequestBodyAdvice is not picking up by the mock MVC frame work, how ever it is working for ResponseBodyAdvice .


在您的 Controller 方法中,尝试使用 @RequestBody 注释方法参数.


public class MyController{

   public MyResponse greetings(@RequestBody MyRequest requestObject){

RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor类(及其基类 AbstractMessageConverterMethodArgumentResolver)负责调用 beforeBodyRead 的各种抽象方法( afterBodyReadRequestBodyAdvice 等) . RequestMappingHandlerAdapter会选择RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor仅当 Controller 方法的参数为 时才处理请求注释 @RequestBody .我们可以在 supportsParameter 中看到这个逻辑的实现。 RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor的方法.

我认为另一种方法是创建我们自己的 MethodProcessor通过扩展 RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor并覆盖其 supportsParameter方法来放我们自己的逻辑。不过,我还没有测试过。

关于spring-mvc - Spring RequestBodyAdvice 没有被触发,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41692669/


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