class - phpunit:如何在测试之间传递值?

标签 class phpunit

我真的遇到了这个问题。你如何在 phpunit 中的测试之间传递类值?

测试 1 -> 设置值,

测试 2 -> 读取值


class JsonRpcBitcoinTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function setUp(){
        global $configRpcUser, $configRpcPass, $configRpcHost, $configRpcPort;

        $this->bitcoindConn = new JsonRpcBitcoin($configRpcUser, $configRpcPass, $configRpcHost, $configRpcPort);
        $this->blockHash = '';

    * @depends testCanAuthenticateToBitcoindWithGoodCred
    public function testCmdGetBlockHash()
        $result = (array)json_decode($this->bitcoindConn->getblockhash(20));
        $this->blockHash = $result['result'];

    * @depends testCmdGetBlockHash
    public function testCmdGetBlock()
        $result = (array)json_decode($this->bitcoindConn->getblock($this->blockHash));
        $this->assertEquals($result['error'], $this->blockHash);
testCmdGetBlock()没有得到 $this->blockHash 的值应该设置在 testCmdGetBlockHash() .



setUp()方法总是在测试之前调用,所以即使你在两个测试之间设置了依赖关系,在 setUp() 中设置的任何变量将被覆盖。 PHPUnit 数据传递的工作方式是从一个测试的返回值到另一个测试的参数:

class JsonRpcBitcoinTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function setUp()
        global $configRpcUser, $configRpcPass, $configRpcHost, $configRpcPort;

        $this->bitcoindConn = new JsonRpcBitcoin($configRpcUser, $configRpcPass, $configRpcHost, $configRpcPort);
        $this->blockHash = '';

    public function testCmdGetBlockHash()
        $result = (array)json_decode($this->bitcoindConn->getblockhash(20));

        return $result['result']; // the block hash

     * @depends testCmdGetBlockHash
    public function testCmdGetBlock($blockHash) // return value from above method
        $result = (array)json_decode($this->bitcoindConn->getblock($blockHash));
        $this->assertEquals($result['error'], $blockHash);

因此,如果您需要在测试之间保存更多状态,请在该方法中返回更多数据。我猜想 PHPUnit 让人讨厌的原因是不鼓励依赖测试。

See the official documentation for details .

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