django - 在 Django Social Auth 管道中收集额外的用户数据

标签 django django-socialauth

我正在使用 Django Social Auth (v0.7.22) 通过 Facebook 注册用户,并且工作正常。


  • 如何检测新用户?
  • 在哪里存储收集到的数据(在 Django session 中或通过管道 **kwargs 传递)?

  • 我的管道看起来像:
        ## My customs ...

    第一个自定义函数只是收集 Facebook 个人资料图片:
    def load_data_new_user(backend, response, user, *args, **kwargs):
        if user is None:
            if == "facebook":
                    url = "" % response['id']
                    data = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())['data']
                    return {'avatar': data}
                except StandardError:
                    return {'avatar': None}
                raise ValueError()

  • 我正在检查是否 userNone用于检测新用户(不确定是否可以假设)。
  • 我将头像元数据存储在管道的 **kwargs 中而不是使用 session ,可以吗?我什么时候应该使用 session 。

  • 其他自定义函数基于 Matias Aguirre example ,并使用 session
    def handle_new_user(request, user, *args, **kwargs):
        if user is None and not request.session.get('saved_username'):
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/form/')
    def username(request, user, *args, **kwargs):
        if user is not None:
            username = user.username
            username = request.session.get('saved_username')
        return {'username': username} 

    所以,我不确定何时使用 session 或“正确的习语”来解决我的问题。


    Matias Aguirre (django socialauth creator) 在 DSA google mail list 中温柔地回答了我的问题


    Collecting the data is easy as you saw, but where to put it depends on your project, what you plan to do with the data, and where you expect it to be available. For example, if you plan to put the avatar image on a user profile model, then you should get the profile for the current user and store it there, if you use a custom user with an avatar_url field, then you should fill that field after the user was created, if you plan to download the image and store it local to the server using the username (id, etc) as the filename, then just do it that way too.

    The session is usually used as a mechanism of communication with a view.

    Regarding the "user is new", there's a flag "is_new" set to True/False when the user is new or not, but it's not updated until the "create_user" is called.

    The pipeline entry "save_status_to_session" should be placed before the method that breaks the pipeline flow, in your case handle_new_user.


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