- Action 命名约定

标签 model-view-controller

有没有人为 MVC 中的 action 建立一个好的命名约定?我特别关注 MVC,但这是一个普遍的问题。例如,我有一个显示登录屏幕 (Login) 的操作和一个处理来自该页面的登录请求 (LoginTest)。我不热衷于名字,我还有很多应用程序要写。


MS 的 Rob Conery 建议了一些有用的 RESTful 风格的 Action 命名。

* Index - the main "landing" page. This is also the default endpoint.
* List - a list of whatever "thing" you're showing them - like a list of Products.
* Show - a particular item of whatever "thing" you're showing them (like a Product)
* Edit - an edit page for the "thing"
* New - a create page for the "thing"
* Create - creates a new "thing" (and saves it if you're using a DB)
* Update - updates the "thing"
* Delete - deletes the "thing"


* http://mysite/forum/group/list - shows all the groups in my forum
* http://mysite/forum/forums/show/1 - shows all the topics in forum id=1
* http://mysite/forums/topic/show/20 - shows all the posts for topic id=20

Rob Conery on RESTful Architecture for MVC

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