android - Google Pay API 获取扣款金额

标签 android google-pay

我正在学习教程 here集成谷歌支付 API 以获得我的应用程序的资金。到目前为止,我已经成功地进行了收费,但我发现很难在成功转帐时获得收费金额。


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当我从另一个 Fragment 发出请求时,我想在 MainActivityonActivityResult 中获取收费金额。但是 Intent 数据 只有电子邮件地址和账单状态。我能想到的唯一合乎逻辑的方法是以某种方式将收费金额 manullay 注入(inject) Intent data 但我似乎找不到解决方法。

我试图在这里设置一个参数,但它没有出现在我在 onActivityResult 中收到的 Intent 中。


public void requestPayment(BigDecimal amount) {
        // Disables the button to prevent multiple clicks.

        // The price provided to the API should include taxes and shipping.
        // This price is not displayed to the user.

        String chargeAmount = amount.divide(MICROS).setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN).toString();

//        String price = PaymentsUtil.microsToString(chargeAmount);

        TransactionInfo transaction = PaymentsUtil.createTransaction(chargeAmount);

        Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain();
        transaction.writeToParcel(parcel, 0);

        PaymentDataRequest request = PaymentsUtil.createPaymentDataRequest(transaction);

        Task<PaymentData> futurePaymentData = mPaymentsClient.loadPaymentData(request);

        // Since loadPaymentData may show the UI asking the user to select a payment method, we use
        // AutoResolveHelper to wait for the user interacting with it. Once completed,
        // onActivityResult will be called with the result.
        AutoResolveHelper.resolveTask(futurePaymentData, Objects.requireNonNull(getActivity()), LOAD_PAYMENT_DATA_REQUEST_CODE);



请注意,检索到支付 token 并不意味着支付交易成功。只有当您通过支付处理器或网关提交订单进行处理时,才会发生这种情况。发生这种情况时,这通常包括订单 ID 和最终收费金额。


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