dialogflow-es - 来自 webhook 的 dialogflow 触发事件

标签 dialogflow-es actions-on-google

我有一个带有 Action x 的意图 I1 和一个调用 webhook 的意图 I2。

有没有办法从 I2 webhook 响应中触发 x,以便在 webhook 给出答案后将用户“重定向”到 I1?


编辑: 添加图表以进一步说明。 处理“否”后续部分的正确方法是什么?

enter image description here



虽然您可以从 webhook(例如您的 I2 处理程序)重定向到事件(可能被 I1 拾取),但您不能在 webhook 回复“之后”执行此操作。这将替换来自 webhook 的结果。 (而且,虽然可能,但这通常不是解决问题的最佳方法。)

您也无法通过 Dialogflow 配置执行此操作。必须通过 webhook 完成。



脚本 1:

User:  Talk to number or letter
Agent: Welcome! Would you like to hear a number or letter? 
User:  How about a number
Agent: 1 is the loneliest number. Would you like another?
User:  Yes
Agent: 2 is the only even prime. Care for another?
User:  No
Agent: Ok, would you like to hear a number or letter?

脚本 2:

User:  Talk to number or letter
Agent: Welcome! Would you like to hear a number or a letter?
User:  Number, please
Agent: 42 is the answer Another one, so to speak?
User:  sure
Agent: 21 is blackjack. Care for another?
User:  nope
Agent: Ok, care for a letter or a number?

脚本 3:

User:  Talk to number or letter
Agent: Howdy! Would you like a letter or a number?
User:  Let's go for a number
Agent: A googol is 10 to the 100th power. Ready for another?
User:  How about a letter this time
Agent: The letter "A" is one of only two letters that are also words. Want another?


  • 当被问到问题时,人们会以多种不同的方式做出回应。 Intent 使用许多示例短语以及一些 ML 算法来匹配用户所说的内容和他们如何回复。
  • 在真实对话中,用户可以从任何方向进行对话。因此,尽管我们提出了是或否的问题,但他们可能会尝试将对话转向完全不同的方向。
  • 我们如何回复取决于两件事:
    1. 我们处于什么状态
    2. 用户怎么说
  • 上述第 (1) 点的结果是,我们应该跟踪用户的状态以确定我们所说的内容,因此新状态成为回复的一部分,即使用户没有看到。

有了这个,让我们添加更多信息,看看什么 Intent 会被匹配,然后我们的 webhook 会做什么 - 包括状态集和发送的回复。

脚本 1:

User:  Talk to number or letter
Match: intent.welcome
Logic: Set replyState to "prompt"
       Pick a response for the current replyState ("prompt")
       and the intent that was matched ("intent.welcome")
Agent: Welcome! Would you like to hear a number or letter? 

User:  How about a number
Match: intent.number
Logic: Set replyState to "number"
       Pick a response for the current replyState ("number")
Agent: 1 is the loneliest number. Would you like another?

User:  Yes
Match: intent.yes
Logic: Pick a response for the current replyState ("number")
Agent: 2 is the only even prime. Care for another?

User:  No
Match: intent.no
Logic: Set replyState to "prompt"
       Pick a response for the current replyState ("prompt")
       and the intent that was matched (not "intent.welcome")
Agent: Ok, would you like to hear a number or letter?

这样,我们可以看到我们的回复是基于当前状态和用户意图的组合。 (我们的状态可能更复杂,以跟踪用户听到的内容、他们访问过的次数等。这非常简单。)


如果我们查看脚本 2,我们会发现它的播放方式相同:

User:  Talk to number or letter
Match: intent.welcome
Logic: Set replyState to "prompt"
       Pick a response for the current replyState ("prompt")
       and the intent that was matched ("intent.welcome")
Agent: Welcome! Would you like to hear a number or a letter?

User:  Number, please
Match: intent.number
Logic: Set replyState to "number"
       Pick a response for the current replyState ("number")
Agent: 42 is the answer Another one, so to speak?

User:  sure
Match: intent.yes
Logic: Pick a response for the current replyState ("number")
Agent: 21 is blackjack. Care for another?

User:  nope
Match: intent.no
Logic: Set replyState to "prompt"
       Pick a response for the current replyState ("prompt")
       and the intent that was matched (not "intent.welcome")
Agent: Ok, care for a letter or a number?


这在脚本 3 中如何发挥作用?

User:  Talk to number or letter
Match: intent.welcome
Logic: Set replyState to "prompt"
       Pick a response for the current replyState ("prompt")
       and the intent that was matched ("intent.welcome")
Agent: Howdy! Would you like a letter or a number?

User:  Let's go for a number
Match: intent.number
Logic: Set replyState to "number"
       Pick a response for the current replyState ("number")
Agent: A googol is 10 to the 100th power. Ready for another?

User:  How about a letter this time
Match: intent.letter
Logic: Set replyState to "letter"
       Pick a response for the current replyState ("letter")
Agent: The letter "A" is one of only two letters that are also words. Want another?

在这里,用户突然请求我们跳转到一个完全不同的状态。但这不是问题 - Dialogflow 只是看到这一点,就像他们从提示问题中请求该状态一样,并且该处理程序的 react 方式相同。

因此,我们的目标是捕捉用户所说的内容,然后使用我们的 webhook 来更改基于此的状态,而不是构建许多后续意图。

关于dialogflow-es - 来自 webhook 的 dialogflow 触发事件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52672920/


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android - 是否可以跳转 Dialogflow 后续 Intent ?

dialogflow-es - DialogFlow : simple ways of passing parameters between intents and from previous context to the current context?(不使用填充)