elixir - 什么是Elixir Bang函数?

标签 elixir phoenix-framework

在阅读Phoenix教程时(在Incoming Events部分中),我首先注意到带有尾随感叹号/ bang(!)的函数。

def handle_in("new_msg", %{"body" => body}, socket) do
    broadcast! socket, "new_msg", %{body: body}
    {:noreply, socket}

尾随的感叹号是什么意思?它有什么作用吗? 我一直在搜索并尝试查找,但不确定使用的术语是否正确。到目前为止,似乎仅作为约定的功能在失败时会引发错误,但始终总是这样。

我唯一看到的提及出现在Dave Thomas的“Programming Elixir”中:
Identifiers in Elixir are combinations of upper and lower case ASCII 
characters, digits, and underscores. Function names may end with a 
question mark or an exclamation point.

the documentation中也提到:
Notice that when the file does not exist, the version with ! raises an
error. The version without ! is preferred when you want to handle
different outcomes using pattern matching...




Notice that when the file does not exist, the version with ! raises an error. The version without ! is preferred when you want to handle different outcomes using pattern matching...


  def broadcast(server, topic, message) when is_atom(server),
    do: call(server, :broadcast, [:none, topic, message])

它只是调用给定的服务器,并将返回其结果。 broadcast!/3函数将执行相同的操作,但是:它会在不使用broadcast的情况下调用!函数,将检查其结果并提高BroadcastError exception:
  def broadcast!(server, topic, message) do
    case broadcast(server, topic, message) do
      :ok -> :ok
      {:error, reason} -> raise BroadcastError, message: reason

关于elixir - 什么是Elixir Bang函数?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33324302/


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