spring-mvc - 带有休眠验证器的 Spring MVC。如何按组验证属性?

标签 spring-mvc bean-validation hibernate-validator


1.Sping/MVC 使用休眠验证器,自定义验证器如何显示消息?
喜欢:Cross field validation with Hibernate Validator (JSR 303)

    @FieldMatch(fieldName="password",verifyName="passwordVerify",message="password confirm valid!", groups={Default.class})
public class LoginForm {...}


NotEmpty.loginForm.name="username can not be empty!" NotEmpty.loginForm.password="password can not be empty!"

2.我想在spring mvc中使用组验证器,就像一个用于登录和注册的用户表单
    @FieldMatch(fieldName="password",verifyName="passwordVerify",message="password confirm valid!", groups={Default.class})
public class LoginForm {
    private String name;

    private String password;

    private String passwordVerify;

    private String email;

    private String emailVerify;

Controller 参数注释是@valid,任何注释支持按组分组验证器?




Spring 3.1 提供了 @Validated 注释,您可以将其用作 @Valid 的替代品,并且它接受组。如果您使用的是 Spring 3.0.x,您仍然可以使用此答案中的代码。


这绝对是个问题。由于@Valid 注释不支持组,因此您必须自己执行验证。这是我们编写的用于执行验证并将错误映射到 BindingResult 中正确路径的方法。当我们获得接受组的@Valid 注释时,这将是美好的一天。

 * Test validity of an object against some number of validation groups, or
 * Default if no groups are specified.
 * @param result Errors object for holding validation errors for use in
 *            Spring form taglib. Any violations encountered will be added
 *            to this errors object.
 * @param o Object to be validated
 * @param classes Validation groups to be used in validation
 * @return true if the object is valid, false otherwise.
private boolean isValid( Errors result, Object o, Class<?>... classes )
    if ( classes == null || classes.length == 0 || classes[0] == null )
        classes = new Class<?>[] { Default.class };
    Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();
    Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validator.validate( o, classes );
    for ( ConstraintViolation<Object> v : violations )
        Path path = v.getPropertyPath();
        String propertyName = "";
        if ( path != null )
            for ( Node n : path )
                propertyName += n.getName() + ".";
            propertyName = propertyName.substring( 0, propertyName.length()-1 );
        String constraintName = v.getConstraintDescriptor().getAnnotation().annotationType().getSimpleName();
        if ( propertyName == null || "".equals(  propertyName  ))
            result.reject( constraintName, v.getMessage());
            result.rejectValue( propertyName, constraintName, v.getMessage() );
    return violations.size() == 0;


关于spring-mvc - 带有休眠验证器的 Spring MVC。如何按组验证属性?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6944975/


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