javascript - 计算其他时空之间的时间更新

标签 javascript html

Desc: 在 html 表中我有:

  • 2列要输入的数据:(示例中插入了示例值,您必须自己输入才能使脚本工作)

    a) start,//用户输入这个字段

    b) 结束。 (信息:end 必须大于 start 才能正常工作)//用户输入此字段

  • 4 列计算的数据/是常量:(现在正在运行)

    a) 实际(结束-开始),

    b) 规范的(const,例如 8:00,在实践中不同)

    c) 超时 ( = |normative - actual | (>=0) )//if actual(>)normative

    d) tobeworkout ( = |normative - actual | (=<0) )//如果实际(<)normative

  • 2 列包含我正在尝试计算的数据:(我想要实现的目标)

    a) 加类天数,(如果实际>规范,则:如果开始和结束(工作时间)在 6:00(>=) 和 22:00(=<) 之间,则:加类天数 = 实际-规范)

    b) overtime_night(如果 actual>normative 那么:如果开始和结束(工作时间)在 0:00 到 6:00(<) 和 22:00(>) 到 23:59 之间,那么: overtime_days = actual-规范的)


    有必要考虑这种情况,例如5:00开始,20:00结束,然后计算夜间加类和白天加类:标准=8:00,从5:00到6:00=1:00 overtime_night,6:00到14: 00点正常,14:00到20:00加类_days


  • 我不知道如何在开始和结束之间把握时间,我正在寻找想法 , 因为这对我来说是个难题


    document.querySelector('table').addEventListener('change', function (e) {
        const classList =;
        if (classList.contains('start') || classList.contains('end')) {
            const tr =;
            const [start, end, actual] = ['.start,.end,.actual')];
            const value = diff(start.value, end.value);
            actual.value = value;


    document.querySelector('table').addEventListener('change', function (e) {
        const classList =;
        if (classList.contains('start') || classList.contains('end')) {
            const tr =;
            const [actual, normative, overtime, tobeworkout] = ['.actual,.normative,.overtime,.tobeworkout')];
            if (diffMs(actual.value, normative.value) >= 0) {
                overtime.value = diff(normative.value, actual.value);
                tobeworkout.value = "00:00";
            if (diffMs(actual.value, normative.value) <= 0) {
                tobeworkout.value = diff(actual.value, normative.value);
                overtime.value = "00:00";

// this function calculate a difference for a logical purposes
    function diffMs(start, end) { 
        return +start.split(":").join('') - +end.split(":").join('');

    function msToTime(duration) {
        const minutes = Math.floor((duration / (1000 * 60)) % 60),
            hours = Math.floor(duration / (1000 * 60 * 60));
        return twoOrMoreDigits(hours) + ":" + twoOrMoreDigits(minutes);

    function twoOrMoreDigits(n) {
        return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;

    function timeToMs(time) {
        if (time) { // may be "" if the value is not set
            const [hours, minutes] = time.split(":").map(str => parseInt(str, 10));
            return (hours * 60 + minutes) * 60 * 1000;
        return 0;


    function diff(start, end) {
        return msToTime(timeToMs(end) - timeToMs(start));

    <tr class="day">
      <td><input type="time" class="start" id="start_1" value="08:00"></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="end" id="end_1" value="15:00"></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="actual" id="actual_1" value="07:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="normative" id="normative_1" value="08:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="overtime" id="overtime_1" value="00:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="tobeworkout" id="tobeworkout_1" value="00:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="overtime_days" id="overtime_days_1" value="00:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="overtime_night" id="overtime_night_1" value="00:00" readonly></td>

    <tr class="day">
      <td><input type="time" class="start" id="start_2" value="08:00"></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="end" id="end_2" value="17:00"></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="actual" id="actual_2" value="09:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="normative" id="normative_2" value="08:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="overtime" id="overtime_2" value="00:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="tobeworkout" id="tobeworkout_2" value="00:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="overtime_days" id="overtime_days_2" value="00:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="overtime_night" id="overtime_night_2" value="00:00" readonly></td>




我用的是 core 3.0


  • 这已经改变了:(让夜晚永远是夜晚)

  • 如果它有 normative = 08:00 和 actual = 08:00,

    • 但他从 04:00 到 12:00(晚上从 04:00 到 6:00)工作

      • 他应该将 02:00 算作夜间( 晚上 22:00 到 6:00)
    • 好像他从 15:00 到 23:00(晚上从 22:00 到 23:00)工作

      • 这应该将“overtime_night”/“additional_nigth”算作 01:00( 晚上 22:00 到 6:00)



(function () { // create a closure to avoid name conficts
    const table = document.querySelector('table');
    const minStart =  6*60; // 06:00
    const maxEnd   = 22*60; // 22:00

    class TimeInput {
        constructor(input) {
            this.input = input;
            this.minutes = input.value.split(":").reduce((minutes, seconds) => minutes*60+ +seconds);
        set value(minutes) {
            this.minutes = minutes;
            this.input.value = [Math.floor(minutes / 60), minutes % 60].map(i => ("0"+i).slice(-2)).join(":");
        valueOf() {
            return this.minutes;

    function updateRow(row) {
        let inputs = {}
        for (let input of row.querySelectorAll("input")) inputs[input.className] = new TimeInput(input);
        let {start, end, actual, normative, overtime, tobeworkout, overtime_days, overtime_night} = inputs;
        if (!start) return; // Not a data row
        actual.value = end - start; // NB: calls valueOf methods
        let diff = actual - normative;
        overtime.value = Math.max(0, diff);
        tobeworkout.value = Math.max(0, -diff);
        let workedEarly = Math.max(0, minStart - start);
        let workedLate = Math.max(0, end - maxEnd);    
        overtime_night.value = Math.min(overtime, workedEarly + workedLate);
        overtime_days.value = overtime - overtime_night;    

    table.addEventListener('change', function (e) {

    for (let row of table.rows) updateRow(row);
})(); // execute immediately
    <tr class="day">
      <td><input type="time" class="start" id="start_1" value="08:00"></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="end" id="end_1" value="15:00"></td>
      <td><input size ="5" class="actual" id="actual_1" value="07:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input size ="5" class="normative" id="normative_1" value="08:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input size ="5" class="overtime" id="overtime_1" value="00:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input size ="5" class="tobeworkout" id="tobeworkout_1" value="00:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input size ="5" class="overtime_days" id="overtime_days_1" value="00:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input size ="5" class="overtime_night" id="overtime_night_1" value="00:00" readonly></td>

    <tr class="day">
      <td><input type="time" class="start" id="start_2" value="08:00"></td>
      <td><input type="time" class="end" id="end_2" value="17:00"></td>
      <td><input size ="5" class="actual" id="actual_2" value="09:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input size ="5" class="normative" id="normative_2" value="08:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input size ="5" class="overtime" id="overtime_2" value="00:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input size ="5" class="tobeworkout" id="tobeworkout_2" value="00:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input size ="5" class="overtime_days" id="overtime_days_2" value="00:00" readonly></td>
      <td><input size ="5" class="overtime_night" id="overtime_night_2" value="00:00" readonly></td>

我介绍了一个处理分钟和 hh:mm 表示法之间转换的类。这样,其余的代码就可以根据分钟只专注于逻辑。

注意:对于最后 6 列,我不会使用 type="time",因为严格来说这些不是一天中的时间,而是持续时间。如果浏览器的区域设置使用 AM/PM 表示法,那么浏览器也可能会以这些值显示 AM/PM,这在考虑持续时间时毫无意义。

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