amazon-s3 - 每个对象到期 s3

标签 amazon-s3

我知道如何使用给定特定前缀的对象过期规则使 S3 存储桶中的对象过期,但是出于我的目的,我想以编程方式基于每个对象设置过期日期。

Java SDK 似乎表明这是可能的,因为它有一个 setExpirationTime方法,但是每当我使用此方法设置到期日期时,似乎什么都没有发生并且对象永远不会过期。此外,通过 aws 控制台查看对象属性,似乎没有设置到期时间。




它看起来不像 per- object expiration支持,而是每个存储桶生命周期配置,每个配置最多 100 条规则,如您所见。

A bucket has one lifecycle configuration. A lifecycle configuration can have up to 100 rules.

The lifetime value must be a nonzero positive integer. Amazon S3 calculates expiration time by adding the expiration period specified in the rule to the object creation time and rounding the resulting time to the next day midnight UTC.



Take care to ensure the rules don't overlap. For example, the following lifecycle configuration has a rule that sets objects with the prefix "documents" to expire after 30 days. The configuration also has another rule that sets objects with the prefix "documents/2011" to expire after 365 days. In this case, Amazon S3 returns an error message.

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