cygwin - pygobject-2.28.6 不会配置 : No package 'gobject-introspection-1.0' found, 怎么解决?

标签 cygwin pygobject pkg-config gobject gobject-introspection

我正在尝试让 pygobject-2.28.6 在 cygwin 中编译(存储库中的版本是 2.28.4,它有一些问题)。这是 ./configure 的尾部:

checking for GLIB - version >= 2.24.0... yes (version 2.34.3)
checking for ffi... checking for FFI... yes
checking for GIO... yes
checking for GIOUNIX... yes
checking for GI... no
configure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.24.0
        gobject-introspection-1.0 >= 0.10.2
    ) were not met:

No package 'gobject-introspection-1.0' found

Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables GI_CFLAGS
and GI_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.

我安装了 gobject-introspection 1.34.2-3。如此处所示:
$ whereis gobject-introspection
gobject-introspection: /lib/gobject-introspection /usr/lib/gobject-introspection

$ whereis gobject-introspection-1.0
gobject-introspection-1: /usr/share/gobject-introspection-1.0

我尝试在 configure = 中将 GI_CFLAGS 和 GI_LIBS 设置为/lib/和/usr/lib/(甚至/usr/share/),但无济于事。我还能做些什么来尝试解决这个问题?感谢您的时间!


您可能缺少开发包。软件包名称因发行版而异,但它包含 /usr/lib/pkgconfig/gobject-introspection-1.0.pc (或 /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/gobject-introspection-1.0.pc 对于某些 64 位发行版):

  • Fedora、CentOS、RHEL 等: gobject-introspection-devel
  • Debian、Ubuntu、Mint 等: libgirepository1.0-dev
  • 拱门: gobject 内省(introspection)
  • FreeBSD: gobject 内省(introspection)
  • 赛格温: libgirepository1.0-devel
  • msys2: mingw-w64-x86_64-gobject-introspection 和/或 mingw-w64-i686-gobject-introspection
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