instagram - 2016 年 6 月 1 日政策变更后获得 Instagram 关注者

标签 instagram instagram-api

在 Instagram 政策更改(于 2016 年 6 月 1 日制定)之前,我的应用程序显示了已登录用户的所有以下用户信息的列表。我通过以下 URL GET 请求得到这个:

更改后,我得到一个仅包含登录用户关注的沙盒用户的列表。 (我添加了 Sandbox 用户以继续开发此应用程序)。


如果它只发生在 Sandbox 环境中,那没关系,但是生产环境呢?

提交我的应用程序后,我可以得到所有以下列表吗?或者我将只获取登录到我的应用程序的用户(就像 Facebook 那样)?



Krisrak 的回答是正确的,沙盒模式是您看不到结果的原因。以下是有关其工作原理的更多详细信息:

注意:以下内容在 this summary of how the new Instagram API rules 中有更清楚的解释。

“Sandbox mode” is the (unintuitively-named) gatekeeper walling off most of what you want to do. This is the default status for all clients, that have not undergone the strict submission process. An API client in sandbox mode has extremely limited permissions. In fact, it has fewer permissions than an anonymous user viewing public content because your app basically lives on a tiny desert island in which you are the only Instagram user and only your past twenty posts exist. So, for example, the /media/search endpoint will only return the media you uploaded near a given location, excluding the media from everyone else or any posts beyond your last twenty.


Sandbox users are other Instagram users that you “invite” to your client. The main reason to do this is so that your app will then be able to “see” their last twenty posts in addition to your own. In other words, when they accept the invitation, they show up on the tiny desert island where your app lives.

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