java - 重构 if/else 逻辑

标签 java refactoring if-statement

我有一个带有千行 if/else 逻辑方法的 java 类,如下所示:

if (userType == "admin") {
     if (age > 12) {
          if (location == "USA") {
               // do stuff
          } else if (location == "Mexico") {
               // do something slightly different than the US case
     } else if (age < 12 && age > 4) {
          if (location == "USA") {
               // do something slightly different than the age > 12 US case
          } else if (location == "Mexico") {
               // do something slightly different
 } else if (userType == "student") {
     if (age > 12) {
          if (location == "USA") {
               // do stuff
          } else if (location == "Mexico") {
               // do something slightly different than the US case
     } else if (age < 12 && age > 4) {
          if (location == "USA") {
               // do something slightly different than the age > 12 US case
          } else if (location == "Mexico") {
               // do something slightly different



您应该使用 Strategies ,可能在枚举中实现,例如:

enum UserType {
  ADMIN() {
    public void doStuff() {
      // do stuff the Admin way
    public void doStuff() {
      // do stuff the Student way

  public abstract void doStuff();

由于代码中每个最外层 if 分支中的代码结构看起来几乎相同,因此在重构的下一步中,您可能需要使用 template methods 来排除重复项。 .或者,您也可以将位置(可能还有年龄)转变为策略。

更新:在Java4中,可以实现typesafe enum手工,并使用普通的旧子类来实现不同的策略。

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