inheritance - 如何从 std::ostream 继承?

标签 inheritance stl ostream

我一直在谷歌搜索,但我找不到一个简单的答案。它应该很简单,就像 STL 通常一样。

我想定义从 std::ostream 公开继承的 MyOStream。假设每次将某些内容写入我的流时,我都想调用 foo() 。

class MyOStream : public ostream {
   void foo() { ... }

我希望客户能够在 MyOStream 上同时使用 operator<< 和 write() 和 put() 并使用我的类(class)的扩展能力。


我不知道这是否是正确的解决方案,但我以这种方式从 std::ostream 继承。它使用从 std::basic_streambuf 继承的缓冲区,一次获取 64 个字符(如果刷新则更少),并将它们发送到一个通用的 putChars() 方法,在该方法中完成数据的实际处理。它还演示了如何提供用户数据。

Live Example

#include <streambuf>
#include <ostream>
#include <iostream>

//#define DEBUG

class MyData
    //example data class, not used

class MyBuffer : public std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >


    inline MyBuffer(MyData data) :
        setp(buf, buf + BUF_SIZE);


    // This is called when buffer becomes full. If
    // buffer is not used, then this is called every
    // time when characters are put to stream.
    inline virtual int overflow(int c = Traits::eof())
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cout << "(over)";
        // Handle output
        putChars(pbase(), pptr());
        if (c != Traits::eof()) {
            char c2 = c;
            // Handle the one character that didn't fit to buffer
            putChars(&c2, &c2 + 1);
        // This tells that buffer is empty again
        setp(buf, buf + BUF_SIZE);

        return c;

    // This function is called when stream is flushed,
    // for example when std::endl is put to stream.
    inline virtual int sync(void)
        // Handle output
        putChars(pbase(), pptr());
        // This tells that buffer is empty again
        setp(buf, buf + BUF_SIZE);
        return 0;


    // For EOF detection
    typedef std::char_traits<char> Traits;

    // Work in buffer mode. It is also possible to work without buffer.
    static const size_t BUF_SIZE = 64;
    char buf[BUF_SIZE];

    // This is the example userdata
    MyData data;

    // In this function, the characters are parsed.
    inline void putChars(const char* begin, const char* end){
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cout << "(putChars(" << static_cast<const void*>(begin) <<
            "," << static_cast<const void*>(end) << "))";
        //just print to stdout for now
        for (const char* c = begin; c < end; c++){
            std::cout << *c;


class MyOStream : public std::basic_ostream< char, std::char_traits< char > >


    inline MyOStream(MyData data) :
    std::basic_ostream< char, std::char_traits< char > >(&buf),


    MyBuffer buf;


int main(void)
    MyData data;
    MyOStream o(data);

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        o << "hello world! ";

    o << std::endl;

    return 0;

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