sitecore - 为什么某些 Sitecore 内容不会被 Solr 索引?

标签 sitecore solr4 sitecore7.5

我有一个使用 Sitecore 7.5 和 Solr 4.7 构建的网站。我注意到一个非常奇怪的现象,某些内容项目没有被索引。这就是正在发生的事情。

我有一个名为“内容页面”的数据模板。使用此数据模板的大多数内容项都位于/sitecore/content/Home/Corporate 中。像这样的事情:


我在/sitecore/content 中创建了一些测试项目,如下所示:


所有这些页面都是使用“内容页面”数据模板构建的。重建索引,然后转到 Solr UI 并执行查询后,我找不到 Home 节点下的任何项目。当我查询 _templatename:"Content Page"时 - 我只在结果中得到 Test-1 和 Test-2。有谁知道为什么会发生这种情况?真的很奇怪。我从未见过 Solr 根本不索引某些项目的情况。它似乎基于它们在内容树中的位置。


According to Pavel Veller on the Sitecore forums ,回答与您类似的问题:

First, there are different fallback strategies. Field-level is most likely done via the StandardValuesProvider and yes, you need to have a version in the language for the fallback to kick in. We built a Language Tool wizard in SCORE that can create empty language versions to help in exactly this scenario. You can also do item-level fallback with ItemProvider which will make it appear as if an item had a version in the language even if it doesn't. The good thing about both is that you fallback on the Sitecore API level. Services like search crawlers and publishing all work via those APIs (until you wrote your own, of course) and as a result they all "see" the fallback. Publishing will actually "materialize" the fallback value and the crawler on CD will work with the items and field values as if those were real.

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