.net-4.0 - .Net Framework 4 扩展是什么?

标签 .net-4.0

出于测试目的,我安装了.Net Framework 4 Client Profile。我的测试结束了,我要卸载它,以便完整安装 .Net Framework 4。卸载程序告诉我先卸载 .Net Framework 4 扩展。

我已经找到它并卸载了,但问题仍然存在:什么是 .Net Framework 4 扩展?



引自 MSDN ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc656912.aspx )

The .NET Framework 4 Client Profile does not include the following features. You must install the .NET Framework 4 to use these features in your application:

* Advanced Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) functionality
* .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle
* MSBuild for compiling

关于.net-4.0 - .Net Framework 4 扩展是什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2758350/


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