android-studio - Android Studio 和 Git 提交错误

标签 android-studio git-commit

我在 Android Studio 项目中进行了第一次 git 提交。 它要求我检查 CR 选项,我已经这样做了,并且成功了,但一些文件再次留在“本地更改”选项卡中。 然后我尝试了第二次提交,但它失败了,所有左侧文件都出现相同的错误:

0 files committed, 46 files failed to commit

Error:warning: CRLF will be replaced by LF in gradlew.bat. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.

(Ubuntu 14.04 上的 Android Studio 1.5.1)



根据JetBrains's blog :


enter image description here

You can also perform a bulk change. Just select a target file or a directory in the project view and choose new separator via Main Menu → FileLine Separator.

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