logging - Sass:打印到终端

标签 logging console sass

有没有办法让 Sass 将变量打印到终端?


Sass 3.3 及更早版本

有 2 个与错误相关的指令:


The @debug directive prints the value of a SassScript expression to the standard error output stream.

@debug 10em + 12em;


Line 1 DEBUG: 22em


The @warn directive prints the value of a SassScript expression to the standard error output stream. It's useful for libraries that need to warn users of deprecations or recovering from minor mixin usage mistakes.

@warn 'This is a warning';

Sass 3.4 及更高版本


The @error directive throws the value of a SassScript expression as a fatal error, including a nice stack trace. It’s useful for validating arguments to mixins and functions. For example:

@error 'This is an error';

.foo {
  background: red;

关于logging - Sass:打印到终端,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18729192/


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